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From Copyright EVIDENCE
Filer (1986)Filer, R. K. (1986). The “Starving Artist”--Myth or Reality? Earnings of Artists in the United States. Journal of Political Economy, 94(1), 56–75.
Ford (2014)Ford, G. S. (2014). What is the effect of file sharing on the creation of new music? A critical review of 'A case study of file sharing and music output'. Phoenix Center for Advanced Legal & Economic Public Policy Studies. Available at SSRN 2407145.
Gani (2020)Gani, M.W. (2020) An Empirical Analysis of the Status of Performing Authors’ Creative Autonomy in Creative Autonomy, Copyright and Popular Music in Nigeria Palgrave Macmillan Cambridge, pp 97-137
Garcia (2020)Garcia, Kristelia (2020) Contracts & Copyright: Contemporary Musician Income Streams. The Oxford Handbook of Music Law and Policy, Forthcoming, U of Colorado Law Legal Studies Research Paper No. 20-32, Available at SSRN: or
Gibson, Johnson and Dimita (2015)Gibson, J., Johnson, P. And Dimita, G. (2015) The Business of Being an Author: A Survey of Author’s Earnings and Contracts. Available: (last accessed: 23 May 2019)
Giorcelli and Moser (2015)Giorcelli, M., & Moser, P. (2014). Copyright and Creativity: Evidence from Italian Operas. Available at SSRN 2505776.
Handke (2011)Handke, C. (2011). Economic Effects of Copyright: The Empirical Evidence So Far. Commissioned paper prepared for The Committee on the Impact of Copyright Policy on Innovation in the Digital Era.
Handke, Guibault and Vallbe (2015)Handke, C., Guibault, L., & Vallbé, J. J. (2015). Is Europe Falling Behind in Data Mining? Copyright's Impact on Data Mining in Academic Research. Copyright's Impact on Data Mining in Academic Research (May 20, 2015).
Hausberg and Spaeth (2018)Hausberg, J.P and Spaeth, S (2018) Why makers make what they make: motivations to contribute to open source hardware development. R&D Management.
Haveman and Kluttz (2014)Daniel N. Kluttz, Heather A. Haveman, 'Copyright Law and the American Magazine Industry' (February 1, 2014). Available at:
Heald, Shi, Stoiber and Zheng (2012a)Heald, Paul J. and Shi, Peibei and Stoiber, Jeffrey and Zheng, Qingyao, More Music in Movies: What Box Office Data Reveals About the Availability of Public Domain Songs in Movies from 1968-2008 (December 12, 2012). Review of Economic Research on Copyright Issues, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 31-54, 2012; Illinois Public Law Research Paper No. 11-23.
Heredia-Carroza, Palma and Aguado (2019)Heredia-Carroza, J., Palma, L. and Aguado, L.F. (2019) Song, Performance and Authorship: The Case of Flamenco in Spain. Trames, 23(73/68), 1, 2-14
Heredia-Carroza, Palma and Aguado (2023)Heredia-Carroza, J., Palma, L., Aguado, L.F. (2023) Does copyright understand intangible heritage? The case of flamenco in Spain, International Journal of Heritage Studies, 29:6, 598-614.
Hui and Png (2002)Hui, K.-L., and I.P .L. Png. 2002. “On the Supply of Creative Work: Evidence from the Movies”. The American Economic Review 92(2);217-220
Humphreys (2008)Humphreys, S., 2008. The challenges of intellectual property for users of Social Networking Sites: a case study of Ravelry.
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Iljadica (2016)Iljadica, M. (2016) Copyright Beyond Law - Regulating Creativity in the Graffiti Subculture, Hart Publishing
Intellectual Property Office (2014)IPO (2014). Artist’s Resale Right - Summary of IPO survey findings
Intellectual Property Office (2018)Intellectual Property Office (2018) Copyright term extension for sound recordings Post-Implementation Review
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Katz (2019)Katz, R., (2019). A Pilot Study of Fan Fiction Writer’s Legal Information Behavior. Journal of Copyright in Education and Librarianship, 3(1), 1-29.
Katzenbach, Herweg and Van Roessel (2016)Katzenbach, C., Herweg, S. and Van Roessel, L. Copies, Clones, and Genre Building: Discourses on Imitation and Innovation in Digital Games. International Journal of Communication 10 (2016), 838-859
Kheria (2012)Kheria, S., 2012. Copyright and Digital Art: Through the Looking Glass. Edinburgh School of Law Research Paper, (2012/19).
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Lastowka (2011)Lastowka, Greg, Minecraft as Web 2.0: Amateur Creativity & Digital Games (October 5, 2011). Available at SSRN: or
Lee (2011)Lee, H.K., 2011. Participatory media fandom: A case study of anime fansubbing. Media, Culture & Society, 33(8), pp.1131-1147.
Lemley (1997)Lemley, M. A. (1997). The Economics of Improvement in Intellectual Property Law. Tex. L. Rev., 75, 989-1835.
Lemley and Shafir (2011)Lemley, M.A. and Shafir, Z., 2011. Who Chooses Open-Source Software?. The University of Chicago Law Review, pp.139-164.
Lerner (2002)Lerner, J. (2002). Patent protection and innovation over 150 years (No. w8977). National Bureau of Economic Research.
Liebowitz and Margolis (2005)Liebowitz, S. J., & Margolis, S. E. (2005). Seventeen famous economists weigh in on copyright: The role of theory, empirics, and network effects. Harvard Journal of Law and Technology, 18(2).
Liu (2012)Liu, Jiarui, Copyright Injunctions after eBay: An Empirical Study (January 6, 2012). Lewis & Clark Law Review, Vol. 16, No. 1, p. 215, 2012.
Liu (2015)Liu, J. (2015). Copyright for Blockheads: An Empirical Study of Market Incentive and Intrinsic Motivation. Columbia Journal of Law & the Arts, Forthcoming. Available at SSRN:
Lunney, Jr. (2012)Lunney, Jr., G. S. (2012). Copyright’s Mercantilist Turn: Do We Need More Copyright or Less?. Tulane Public Law Research Paper, (12-20).
MacGarvie, McKeon and Watson (2018)MacGarvie, M., McKeon & Watson, J. (2018). It was fifty years ago today: Recording copyright term and the supply of music. NBER conference on the Economics of Digitization.
Madden (2004)Madden, M. (2004). Artists, musicians and the internet. Pew Internet & American Life Project.
Mandel (2013)Mandel, Gregory N., The Public Psychology of Intellectual Property (March 27, 2013). Florida Law Review, Vol. 66, 2013 (Forthcoming); Temple University Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2013-23.
Martikainen (2011)Martikainen, E. (2014). Does file-sharing reduce DVD sales?. Netnomics: Economic Research and Electronic Networking, 15(1), 9-31.