Qualitative content/text mining

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Methodology (Collection)
Methodology (Analysis)

Qualitative content/text mining is a qualitative method defined within the Copyright Evidence wiki. The following studies use this method for data collection (75):

Al-Rafee and Cronan (2006)Al-Rafee, S., & Cronan, T. P. (2006). Digital Piracy: Factors That Influence Attitude Toward Behavior. Journal of Business Ethics, 63(3), 237-259.
Asongu (2014)Simplice Asongu, (2014) "Software piracy, inequality and the poor: evidence from Africa", Journal of Economic Studies, Vol. 41 Issue: 4, pp.526-553, available under: https://doi.org/10.1108/JES-10-2012-0141.
Banks and Humphreys (2008)Banks, J., & Humphreys, S. (2008). The Labour of User Co-Creators Emergent Social Network Markets?. Convergence: the International Journal of research into New Media technologies, 14(4), 401-418.
Bar-Ziv (2021)Bar-Ziv, S. (2021). A content analysis approach to intellectual property research. In I. Calboli & M. L. Montagnani (Eds.), Handbook on Intellectual Property Research (pp. 31-46). Oxford University Press.
Bechtold (2013)Bechtold, S., 2013. The fashion of TV show formats.
Beebe (2008)Beebe, B. (2008). An empirical study of US copyright fair use opinions, 1978-2005. University of Pennsylvania Law Review, 549-624.
Bjork (2012)Björk, B.C., The Hybrid Model for Open Access Publication of Scholarly Articles–a Failed Experiment?.
Brooks (2005)Brooks, T. (2005). Survey of reissues of US recordings. Council on Library and Information Resources.
Buccafusco and Masur (2013)Buccafusco, Christopher, and Jonathan S. Masur. Innovation and Incarceration: An Economic Analysis of Criminal Intellectual Property Law. S. Cal. L. Rev. 87 (2013): 275.
Carpou (2016)Carpou, Z. (2016) Robots, Pirates and the Rise of the Automated Takedown Regime: Using the DMCA to Fight Piracy and Protect End-Users. 39 Colum J.L. & Arts 551.
Castañer and Campos (2002)Castañer, X. and Campos, L., 2002. The determinants of artistic innovation: Bringing in the role of organizations. Journal of Cultural Economics, 26(1), pp.29-52.
Charles River Associates (2013)Assessing the Economic Impacts of Adapting Certain Limitations and Exceptions to Copyright and Related Rights in the EU, Charles River Assoc., (2013), available at
Charles River Associates (2014)Charles River Associates, Economic Analysis of the Territoriality of the Making Available Right in the EU (2014).
Commission of the European Communities (2005b)Study on a Community Initiative on the Cross-border Collective Management of Copyright, Commission of the European Communities (2005), available at http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/copyright/docs/management/study-collectivemgmt_en.pdf.
Cotropia and Gibson (2014)Cotropia, C. A., & Gibson, J. (2014). Copyright's Topography: An Empirical Study of Copyright Litigation. Texas Law Review, 92(7).
Coyle, Gould, Gupta and Gupta (2009)Coyle, J. R., Gould, S. J., Gupta, P., & Gupta, R. (2009). “To buy or to pirate”: The matrix of music consumers' acquisition-mode decision-making. Journal of Business Research, 62(10), 1031-1037.
David (1993)David, P. A. 1993. “Intellectual Property Institutions and the Panda’ s Thumb: Patents , Copyrights and Trade Secrets in Economic Theory and History”, in M. Wallerstein, M. Mogee and R. Schoen (eds .), Global Dimensions of Intellectual Property Rights in Science and Technology . Washington DC: National Academy Press; 19-61.
De Wolf and Partners (2014a)De Wolf & Partners, Study on the Legal Framework of Text and Data Mining (TDM) (2014).
Denegri-Knott (2004)Denegri‐Knott, J. (2004). Sinking the online “music pirates:” Foucault, power and deviance on the web. Journal of Computer‐Mediated Communication, 9(4), 00-00.
Depoorter and Vanneste (2006)Depoorter, B. and Vanneste, S., 2006. Norms and enforcement: The case against copyright litigation. Oregon Law Review, 84(4), p.1127.
Depoorter and Walker (2013)Depoorter, B. and Walker, R.K., 2013. Copyright false positives.
Dickson (2010)Dickson, M., 2010. Due diligence, futile effort: Copyright and the digitization of the Thomas E. Watson papers. The American Archivist, 73(2), pp.626-636.
Dryden (2008)Dryden, J.E., 2008. Copyright in the real world: Making archival material available on the Internet (Doctoral dissertation, University of Toronto).
Dusollier (2010)Dusollier, S., WIPO (2010) CDIP/4/3/REV./STUDY/INF/1.
EY (2014)EY (2014) Creating Growth: Measuring Cultural and Creative Markets in the EU,
European Commission (2013)European Commission (2013). Synthesis of the responses: Civil enforcement of intellectual property rights: Public consultation on efficiency of proceedings and accessibility measures
Favale, Kretschmer and Torremans (2016)Favale, M., Krestschmer, M., and Torremans, P.C. (2016) Is there an EU copyright jurisprudence? An empirical analysis of the workings of the European Court of Justice. Modern Law Review, 79(1): 31-75 (January 2016)
Fiesler (2018)Fiesler, C. (2018) Everything I Needed to Know: Empirical Investigations of Copyright Norms in Fandom. IDEA - The Law Review of the Franklin Pierce Centre for Intellectual Property. 59(1), pp 65 - 87
Fietkiewicz (2020)Fietkiewicz K.J. (2020) The Law of Live Streaming: A Systematic Literature Review and Analysis of German Legal Framework. In: Meiselwitz G. (eds) Social Computing and Social Media. Design, Ethics, User Behavior, and Social Network Analysis. HCII 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12194. Springer, Cham. pp. 227-242
Gerhardt (2011)Gerhardt, D. R. (2011). Copyright publication: an empirical study. Notre Dame Law Review, 87(1).
Gillett, Gray and Kaye (2023)Gillett, R., Gray, J. E., & Valdovinos Kaye, D. B. (2023). ‘Just a little hack’: Investigating cultures of content moderation circumvention by Facebook users. New Media & Society, 0(0).
Goel, Miesing and Chandra (2010)Goel, S., Miesing, P., & Chandra, U. (2010). The impact of illegal peer-to-peer file sharing on the media industry. California Management Review, 52(3), 6-33.
Haefliger, Jäger and Von Krogh (2010)Haefliger, S., Jäger, P., & Von Krogh, G. (2010). Under the radar: Industry entry by user entrepreneurs. Research policy, 39(9), 1198-1213.
Harbaugh and Khemka (2010)Harbaugh, Rick, and Rahul Khemka. Does Copyright Enforcement Encourage Piracy?. The Journal of Industrial Economics 58.2 (2010): 306-323.
Heald (2014a)Heald, P. J. (2014). How Copyright Keeps Works Disappeared. Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, 11(4), 829-866.
Heald (2017a)Heald, Paul J., Copyright Reversion to Authors (and the Rosetta Effect): An Empirical Study of Reappearing Books (December 8, 2017). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3084920 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3084920
Hirsch (1972)Hirsch, P. M. (1972). Processing Fads and Fashions: An Organization-Set Analysis of Cultural Industry Systems. American journal of sociology, 639-659.
Holt and Copes (2010)Holt, Thomas J., and Heith Copes. "Transferring subcultural knowledge on-line: Practices and beliefs of persistent digital pirates." Deviant Behavior 31.7 (2010): 625-654.
Humphreys (2008)Humphreys, S., 2008. The challenges of intellectual property for users of Social Networking Sites: a case study of Ravelry.
Humphreys, Fitzgerald, Banks, Suzor (2008)Humphreys, S., Fitzgerald, B., Banks, J. and Suzor, N., 2005. Fan-based production for computer games: User-led innovation, the ‘Drift of Value’and intellectual property rights. Media International Australia Incorporating Culture and Policy, 114(1), pp.16-29.
IHS Technology (2015)IHS Technology, Current Market and Technology Trends in the Broadcasting Sector, WIPO Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights, SCCR/30/5(Jun. 2015)
Ilevbare (2008)ILEVBARE, F. M. 2008. Psychosocial factors influencing attitudes towards internet piracy among Nigerian university students. IFE Psychologia: An International Journal, 16, 120-129.
Intellectual Property Office (2015b)Intellectual Property Office (2015). Government response to the consultation on reducing the duration of copyright in certain unpublished works.
Katzenbach, Herweg and Van Roessel (2016)Katzenbach, C., Herweg, S. and Van Roessel, L. Copies, Clones, and Genre Building: Discourses on Imitation and Innovation in Digital Games. International Journal of Communication 10 (2016), 838-859
Kawohl and Kretschmer (2003)Kawohl, F., & Kretschmer, M. (2003). Abstraction and Registration: Conceptual innovations and supply effects in Prussian and British copyright (1820-50). Intellectual Property Quarterly, 2(2), 209-228.
Korn (2009)Korn, N., In from the Cold: An assessment of the scope of ‘Orphan Works’ and its impact on the delivery of services to the public (April 2009).
Kretschmer (2011)Kretschmer, M. (2011). Private copying and fair compensation
Kretschmer and Hardwick (2007)Kretschmer, M., & Hardwick, P. (2007). Authors’ earnings from copyright and non-copyright sources: A survey of 25,000 British and German writers. Bournemouth University Centre for Intellectual Property Policy & Management (CIPPM). 
Available at SSRN 2619649
Lee (2011)Lee, H.K., 2011. Participatory media fandom: A case study of anime fansubbing. Media, Culture & Society, 33(8), pp.1131-1147.
Lee (2018)Lee, E. (2018) Fair Use Avoidance in Music Cases. Boston College Law Review. Vol 56(6)
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