Depoorter, B.

From Copyright EVIDENCE
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Depoorter, B. is an author defined within the Copyright Evidence wiki.

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This author has contributed to the following studies (4):

Depoorter (2019)Depoorter, B. (2019) Copyright Enforcement in the Digital Age: When the Remedy is the Wrong. 66 UCLA L. Rev. 400
Depoorter and Vanneste (2006)Depoorter, B. and Vanneste, S., 2006. Norms and enforcement: The case against copyright litigation. Oregon Law Review, 84(4), p.1127.
Depoorter and Walker (2013)Depoorter, B. and Walker, R.K., 2013. Copyright false positives.
Depoorter, Van Hiel and Vanneste (2011)Depoorter, B., Vanneste, S., & Van Hiel, A. (2011). Copyright Backlash. Southern California Law Review, 84.