M38: Government Policy and Regulation

From Copyright EVIDENCE
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M38: Government Policy and Regulation is a discipline defined within the Copyright Evidence wiki. It is based on the JEL Discipline Classification System.

The following studies are coded as being associated with this discipline (2):

Edwards, Klein, Lee, Moss and Philip (2015)Edwards, L., Klein, B., Lee, D., Moss, G., & Philip, F. (2015). Discourse, justification and critique: towards a legitimate digital copyright regime?. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 21(1), 60-77.
Ullman and Silver (2018)Ullman, J. R., & Silver, N. C. (2018, September). Perceived effectiveness of potential music piracy warnings. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (Vol. 62, No. 1, pp. 1353-1357). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications.