Mendis, D.

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Mendis, D. is an author defined within the Copyright Evidence wiki.

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This author has contributed to the following studies (6):

Erickson, Heald, Homberg, Kretschmer and Mendis (2015)Erickson, K., Heald, P. J., Homberg, F., Kretschmer, M., & Mendis, D. (2015). Copyright and the Value of the Public Domain: An Empirical Assessment. Intellectual Property Office Research Paper.
Erickson, Kretschmer and Mendis (2013)Erickson, K., Kretschmer, M., & Mendis, D. (2013). Copyright and the Economic Effects of Parody: An Empirical Study of Music Videos on the YouTube Platform and an Assessment of the Regulatory Options. Intellectual Property Office Research Paper, (2013/24).
Erickson, Kretschmer and Mendis (2019)Erickson, K., Kretschmer, M. and Mendis, D. (2019) “An Empirical Approach to the Public Domain” in Drexl, J. and Kamperman, J. Sanders (Eds.) The Innovation Society and Intellectual Property, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
Favale, Homberg, Kretschmer, Mendis and Secchi (2013)Favale, M., Homberg, F., Kretschmer, M., Mendis, D., & Secchi, D. (2015). Copyright, and the Regulation of Orphan Works: A Comparative Review of Seven Jurisdictions and a Rights Clearance Simulation. Available at SSRN 2613498.
Mendis (2013)Mendis, D. (2013). The Clone Wars’: Episode 1: the rise of 3D printing and its implications for intellectual property law. Learning lessons from the past. European Intellectual Property Review, 35(3), 155-169.
Mendis, Secchi and Reeves (2015)Mendis, D., et al. (2015). A Legal and Empirical Study into the Intellectual Property Implications of 3D Printing.