3. Harmony of interest assumption between authors and publishers (creators and producers/investors)

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This field includes studies that examine the common assumption of a harmony of interests between creators (e.g. authors, performers) and investors (e.g. publishers, producers), a simplifying hypothesis that facilitates analytical solutions, which however finds weak empirical support. Papers included under this category also examine collecting societies and relate to the area of contract theory.

Fundamental Issues

3. Harmony of interest assumption between authors and publishers (creators and producers/investors) is a fundamental issue defined within the Copyright Evidence wiki.

The following studies involve this issue (71):

Aguilar (2017)Aguilar, A. (2017) Distributed Ownership in Music: Between Authorship and Performance. Social & Legal Studies, 27(6), pp776-798
Arai and Kinukawa (2014)Arai, Y. and Kinukawa, S., 2014. Copyright infringement as user innovation. Journal of Cultural Economics, 38(2), pp.131-144.
Astle and Muir (2002)Astle, P.J. and Muir, A., 2002. Digitization and preservation in public libraries and archives. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 34(2), pp.67-79.
Bently (2002)Bently, L. (2002). Between a rock and a hard place: The problems facing freelance creators in the UK media market–place. London: Institute of Employment Rights. ii. Canada.
Bently et al. (2017)Bently, L., Kretschmer, M., Dudenbostel, T., Moreno, M. and Radauer, A. (2017) Strengthening the Position of Press Publishers and Authors and Performers in the Copyright Directive. Project Report. European Parliament, Brussels.
Bjork (2012)Björk, B.C., The Hybrid Model for Open Access Publication of Scholarly Articles–a Failed Experiment?.
Breyer (1970)Breyer, S., 1970. The uneasy case for copyright: A study of copyright in books, photocopies, and computer programs. Harvard Law Review, pp.281-351.
Butler, Aufderheide, Jaszi and Cox (2019)Butler, B., Aufderheide, P., Jaszi, P., & Cox, K. (2019). Cracking the Copyright Dilemma in Software Preservation: Protecting Digital Culture through Fair Use Consensus? Journal of Copyright in Education and Librarianship, 3(3), 1-23.
Cave, Deegan and Heinink (2000)Cave, M., Deegan, M. and Heinink, L., 2000. Copyright clearance in the refugee studies centre digital library project. RLG DigiNews, 4(5).
Center for Social Media (2010)Center for Social Media. (2010). Clipping Our Own Wings: Copyright and Creativity in Communication Research. American University.
Centre for Intellectual Property and Information Law (2006)Centre for intellectual property and information law. (2006). Review of the Economic Evidence Relating to an Extension of the Term of Copyright in Sound Recordings. University of Cambridge
Cohen, Nelson and Walsh (2000)Cohen, W. M., Nelson, R. R., & Walsh, J.P. (2000). Protecting their intellectual assets: Appropriability conditions and why U.S. manufacturing firms patent(or not). National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper No.7552.
Corbett (2011)Corbett, S., 2011. Archiving Our Culture in a Digital Environment: Copyright Law and Digitisation Practices in Cultural Heritage Institutions. New Zealand Law Foundation Report.
Danbury (2016)Danbury, R. (2016). Is an EU publishers’ right a good idea? Final report on the AHRC project: Evaluating potential legal responses to threats to the production of news in a digital era, https://www.cipil.law.cam.ac.uk/sites/www.law.cam.ac.uk/files/images/www.cipil.law.cam.ac.uk/documents/copyright_and_news/danbury_publishers_right_report.pdf
De Wolf and Partners (2013)Triaille, J.P., Dusollier, S., Depreeuw, S., Hubin, J.B. and De Francquen, A., 2013. Study on the application of Directive 2001/29/EC on copyright and related rights in the information society. InfoSoc Directive.
Deazley (2008)Deazley, R. (2008) ‘Commentary on Milton's Contract 1667', in Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer, www.copyrighthistory.org
Depoorter and Walker (2013)Depoorter, B. and Walker, R.K., 2013. Copyright false positives.
DiCola (2013)DiCola, P. (2013). Money from Music: Survey Evidence on Musicians' Revenue and Lessons About Copyright Incentives. Ariz. L. Rev., 55, 301.
Dickson (2010)Dickson, M., 2010. Due diligence, futile effort: Copyright and the digitization of the Thomas E. Watson papers. The American Archivist, 73(2), pp.626-636.
Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee (2021)DCMS (2021) Economics of Music Streaming. House of Commons
Dobusch and Quack (2013)Dobusch, L., & Quack, S. (2013). Framing standards, mobilizing users: Copyright versus fair use in transnational regulation. Review of International Political Economy, 20(1), 52-88.
Doseva, Schmid-Petri, Schillmöller, Heckmann (2022)Doseva, S. & Schmid-Petri, H. & Schillmöller, J. & Heckmann, D. (2022). Uploaders' perceptions of the German implementation of the EU copyright reform and their preferences for copyright regulation. Internet Policy Review, 11(4).
Dryden (2008)Dryden, J.E., 2008. Copyright in the real world: Making archival material available on the Internet (Doctoral dissertation, University of Toronto).
Edwards, Klein, Lee, Moss and Philip (2015)Edwards, L., Klein, B., Lee, D., Moss, G., & Philip, F. (2015). Discourse, justification and critique: towards a legitimate digital copyright regime?. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 21(1), 60-77.
Engel and Kurschilgen (2010)Engel, C., & Kurschilgen, M. J. (2011). Fairness Ex Ante and Ex Post: Experimentally Testing Ex Post Judicial Intervention into Blockbuster Deals. Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, 8(4), pp682-708
Frosio (2014)Frosio, Giancarlo F. Open access publishing: a literature review. (2014).
Frye, Ryan and Runge (2016)Frye, B. L., Ryan, C. J., & Runge, F. L. (2016). An Empirical Study of Law Journal Copyright Practices. Available at SSRN 2767875.
Gani (2020)Gani, M.W. (2020) An Empirical Analysis of the Status of Performing Authors’ Creative Autonomy in Creative Autonomy, Copyright and Popular Music in Nigeria Palgrave Macmillan Cambridge, pp 97-137
Gerhardt (2014)Gerhardt, D. R. (2014). Copyright at the Museum: Using the Publication Doctrine to Free Art and History. Available at SSRN 2505041.
Ghose, Smith and Telang (2006)Ghose, A., Smith, M.D. and Telang, R., 2006. Internet exchanges for used books: An empirical analysis of product cannibalization and welfare impact. Information Systems Research, 17(1), pp.3-19.
Giblin et al. (2019)Giblin, R., Kennedy, J., Weatherall, K., Gilbert, D., Thomas, J. and Petitjean, F. (expected June 2019) Available – but not accessible? Investigating publisher e-lending licensing practices. Forthcoming, Information Research; Sydney Law School Research Paper No. 19/20.
Gowers (2006)Gowers, A. (2006). Gowers Review of Intellectual Property. The Stationery Office.
Handke and Towse (2007)Handke, Christian, and Ruth Towse. Economics of copyright collecting societies. International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law 38.8 (2007): 937-957.
Hargreaves (2011)Hargreaves, I. (2011). Digital Opportunity. A Review of Intellectual Property and Growth,
Heald (2017a)Heald, Paul J., Copyright Reversion to Authors (and the Rosetta Effect): An Empirical Study of Reappearing Books (December 8, 2017). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3084920 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3084920
Hill (2013)Hill, B. M. (2013). Almost Wikipedia: Eight Early Encyclopedia Projects and the Mechanisms of Collective Action.
Hirsch (1972)Hirsch, P. M. (1972). Processing Fads and Fashions: An Organization-Set Analysis of Cultural Industry Systems. American journal of sociology, 639-659.
Hudson and Kenyon (2007)Hudson, E. and Kenyon, A.T., 2007. Digital Access: The Impact of Copyright on Digitisation Practices in Australian Museums, Galleries, Libraries, and Archives. UNSWLJ, 30, p.12.
Intellectual Property Office (2014)IPO (2014). Artist’s Resale Right - Summary of IPO survey findings
Intellectual Property Office (2018)Intellectual Property Office (2018) Copyright term extension for sound recordings Post-Implementation Review
Joseph (2019)Joseph, M. (2019). Commercialising on Copyrights: The Emergence of the Victorian Literary Agent. In Victorian Literary Businesses (pp. 83-116). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Khan (2004)Khan, B. Z. (2004). Does Copyright Piracy Pay? The Effects of US International Copyright Laws on the Market for Books, 1790-1920 (No. w10271). National Bureau of Economic Research.
Kheria (2012)Kheria, S., 2012. Copyright and Digital Art: Through the Looking Glass. Edinburgh School of Law Research Paper, (2012/19).
Korn (2009)Korn, N., In from the Cold: An assessment of the scope of ‘Orphan Works’ and its impact on the delivery of services to the public (April 2009).
Kretschmer (2012)Kretschmer, M. (2012). Does Copyright Law Matter? An Empirical Analysis of Creators’ Earnings. An Empirical Analysis of Creators’ Earnings (May 21, 2012).
Kretschmer and Hardwick (2007)Kretschmer, M., & Hardwick, P. (2007). Authors’ earnings from copyright and non-copyright sources: A survey of 25,000 British and German writers. Bournemouth University Centre for Intellectual Property Policy & Management (CIPPM). 
Available at SSRN 2619649
Kretschmer, Klimis, and Wallis (2001)Kretschmer, M., Klimis, G. M., & Wallis, R. (2001). Music in Electronic Markets An Empirical Study. New Media & Society, 3(4), 417-441.
Kuchma (2011)Kuchma, I (2011). Report on the implementation of open content licenses in developing and transition countries.
Lee (2012)Lee, D. J. (2012). Precarious Creativity: Changing Attitudes Towards Craft and Creativity in the British Independent Television Production Sector. Creative Industries Journal, 4(2), 155-170
Lipinski and Kritikos (2017)Lipinski, T.A. and Kritikos, K.C. (2017) Legal and policy implications and licenses between LIS open access journal publishers and authors: a qualitative case study. Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries (QQML), 6, pp 545-558
... further results

- Contracts, two sided markets, collecting society theory