
From Copyright EVIDENCE
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Methodology (Collection)
Methodology (Analysis)

Ethnography is a qualitative method defined within the Copyright Evidence wiki. The following studies use this method for data collection (16):

Aguilar (2019a)Aguilar, A. (2019) The collective management of performers’ rights in the UK: a story of competing interests. Scripted 16(1) DOI: 10.2966/scrip.160119.4
Banks and Humphreys (2008)Banks, J., & Humphreys, S. (2008). The Labour of User Co-Creators Emergent Social Network Markets?. Convergence: the International Journal of research into New Media technologies, 14(4), 401-418.
Beekhuyzen, Von Hellens and Nielsen (2011)Beekhuyzen, J., Von Hellens, L. and Nielsen, S. 2011. Underground online music communities: exploring rules for membership. Online Information Review, 35, 699-715.
Bently (2002)Bently, L. (2002). Between a rock and a hard place: The problems facing freelance creators in the UK media market–place. London: Institute of Employment Rights. ii. Canada.
Holt and Copes (2010)Holt, Thomas J., and Heith Copes. "Transferring subcultural knowledge on-line: Practices and beliefs of persistent digital pirates." Deviant Behavior 31.7 (2010): 625-654.
Iljadica (2016)Iljadica, M. (2016) Copyright Beyond Law - Regulating Creativity in the Graffiti Subculture, Hart Publishing
Iljadica (2017)Iljadica, M., 'Painting on Walls: Street Art without Copyright?', in Darling, K. and Perzanowski, A. (eds.), Creativity Without Law: Challenging the Assumptions of Intellectual Property, New York University Press, New York, 2017, pp. 277–332.
Kretschmer, Klimis, and Choi (1999)Kretschmer, M., Klimis, G. M., & Choi, C. J. (1999). Increasing returns and social contagion in cultural industries. British Journal of Management, 10(s1), 61-72.
Ofcom (2011)Qualitative research into online digital piracy. Ofcom. (2011)
Oriakhoba (2020)Desmond Osaretin Oriakhogba. (2020). Working around the Gender Gap in Intellectual Property Regimes: Empowerment of Women Beadworkers through Open, Inclusive Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. OpenAir Workign Paper 23.
Pearce (2011)Pearce, K. E. (2011). Convergence through mobile peer-to-peer file sharing in the Republic of Armenia. International Journal of Communication, 5, 511-528.
Pertierra (2012)Pertierra, A. C. (2012). If They Show Prison Break in the United States on a Wednesday, by Thursday It Is Here: Mobile Media Networks in Twenty-First-Century Cuba. Television & New Media, 13, 399-414.
Siwek (2009)Siwek, S. E. (2009). Copyright Industries in the U.S. Economy: 2003-2007 Report. Economists Incorporated.
Steinmetz and Tunnell (2013)Steinmetz, K. F., & Tunnell, K. D. (2013). Under the pixelated Jolly Roger: A study of on-line pirates. Deviant Behavior, 34(1), 53-67.
Waelde and Schlesinger (2011)Waelde, C., & Schlesinger, P. (2011). Music and dance: beyond copyright text?.
Yu (2010)Yu, S. (2010). Product placement and digital piracy: How young Chinese viewers react to the unconventional method of corporate cultural globalization. Communication, Culture & Critique, 3(3), 435-463.