Experimental (Field)

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Methodology (Collection)
Methodology (Analysis)

Experimental (Field) is a quantitative method defined within the Copyright Evidence wiki. The following studies use this method for data collection (11):

Ahlert, Marsden and Yung (N.D.)Ahlert, C., Marsden, C., & Yung, C. (2004). How ‘Liberty’ Disappeared from Cyberspace: The Mystery Shopper Tests Internet Content Self-Regulation. Retrieved from http://pcmlp.socleg.ox.ac.uk/sites/pcmlp.socleg.ox.ac.uk/files/liberty.pdf
Bradley, Kolev (2023)Wendy A. Bradley, Julian Kolev, How does digital piracy affect innovation? Evidence from software firms. (2023). Research Policy, Volume 52, Issue 3, 2023, 104701, ISSN 0048-7333, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.respol.2022.104701.
Chiou, Cheng and Huang (2011)Chiou, J. S., Cheng, H. I., & Huang, C. Y. (2011). The effects of artist adoration and perceived risk of getting caught on attitude and intention to pirate music in the United States and Taiwan. Ethics & Behavior, 21(3), 182-196.
Nas (2004)Nas, S. (2004) The Multatuli Project ISP Notice & take down. Lecture by Sjoera Nas, Bits of Freedom.
Nunes, Hsee and Weber (2004)Nunes, J. C., Hsee, C. K., & Weber, E. U. (2004). Why are people so prone to steal software? The effect of cost structure on consumer purchase and payment intentions. Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 23(1), 43-53.
Papies and Clement (2008)Papies, D., & Clement, M. (2008). Adoption of new movie distribution services on the Internet. Journal of Media Economics, 21(3), 131-157.
Quiring, Von Walter and Atterer (2008)Quiring, O., Von Walter, B., & Atterer, R. (2008). Can filesharers be triggered by economic incentives? Results of an experiment. New Media & Society, 10(3), 433-453.
Sheehan, Tsao and Pokrywczynski (2012)Sheehan, B., Tsao, J., & Pokrywczynski, J. (2012). Stop the Music: How Advertising Can Help Stop College Students from Downloading Music Illegally. Journal of Advertising Research, 52, 309-321.
Sinha and Mandel (2008)Sinha, R. K., & Mandel, N. (2008). Preventing digital music piracy: the carrot or the stick?. Journal of Marketing, 72(1), 1-15.
Sivan, Smith and Telang (2014)Sivan et al. (2014). Do Search Engines Influence Media Piracy? Evidence from a Randomized Field Study. Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2495591
Tang and Fam (2005)Tang, J. H., & Farn, C. K. (2005). The effect of interpersonal influence on softlifting intention and behaviour. Journal of Business Ethics, 56(2), 149-161.