Factor Analysis

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Methodology (Collection)
Methodology (Analysis)

Factor Analysis is a quantitative method defined within the Copyright Evidence wiki.

The following studies use this method for data analysis (17):

Balganesh, Manta and Wilkinson-Ryan (2014)Balganesh, S., Manta, I., & Wilkinson-Ryan, T. (2014). Judging similarity. 100 Iowa Law Review 267; University of Pennsylvania Law School, Public Law Research Paper No. 14-15; Hofstra Univ. Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2014-09. Available at SSRN 2409811.
Chiang and Assane (2002)Chiang, E., & Assane, D. (2002). Software copyright infringement among college students. Applied Economics, 34(2), 157-166.
Erickson and Kretschmer (2018)Erickson, K. and Kretschmer, M. (2018) “This Video is Unavailable”: Analysing Copyright Takedown of User-Generated Content on YouTube. Journal of Intellectual Property, Information Technology and E-Commerce Law (JIPITEC), 9(1)
Gan and Koh (2006)Gan, L. L., & Koh, H. C. (2006). An empirical study of software piracy among tertiary institutions in Singapore. Information & Management, 43(5), 640-649.
Ginarte and Park (1997)Ginarte, J. C., & Park, W. G. (1997). Determinants of patent rights: A cross-national study. Research policy, 26(3), 283-301.
Heredia-Carroza, Palma and Aguado (2023)Heredia-Carroza, J., Palma, L., Aguado, L.F. (2023) Does copyright understand intangible heritage? The case of flamenco in Spain, International Journal of Heritage Studies, 29:6, 598-614.
Hsu and Shiue (2008)Hsu, J. L., & Shiue, C. W. (2008). Consumers’ willingness to pay for non-pirated software. Journal of Business Ethics, 81(4), 715-732.
Jacobs, Heuvelman, Tan and Peters (2012)Jacobs, R. S., Heuvelman, A., Tan, M. & Peters, O. (2012). Digital movie piracy: A perspective on downloading behavior through social cognitive theory. Computers in Human Behavior, 28(3), 958-967.
Kinnally, Lacayo, Mcclung and Sapolsky (2008)Kinnally, W., Lacayo, A., McClung, S., & Sapolsky, B. (2008). Getting up on the download: college students' motivations for acquiring music via the web. New Media & Society, 10(6), 893-913.
Larose, Lai, Lange, Love and Wu (2005)LaRose, R., Lai, Y. J., Lange, R., Love, B., & Wu, Y. (2005). Sharing or piracy? An exploration of downloading behavior. Journal of Computer‐Mediated Communication, 11(1), 1-21.
Lysonski and Durvasula (2008)Lysonski, S., & Durvasula, S. (2008). Digital piracy of MP3s: consumer and ethical predispositions. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 25(3), 167-178.
North and Oishi (2006)North, A. C., & Oishi, A. (2006). Music CD purchase decisions. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 36(12), 3043-3084.
Pham Dang and Nguyen (2019)Pham, Q.T., Dang, N.M. and Nguyen, D.T. (2019) Factors Affecting on the Digital Piracy Behaviour: An Empirical Study in Vietnam. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, 15(2), pp 122-135
Phau and Ng (2010)Phau, I., & Ng, J. (2010). Predictors of usage intentions of pirated software. Journal of Business Ethics, 94(1), 23-37.
Shanahan and Hyman (2010)Shanahan, K. J., & Hyman, M. R. (2010). Motivators and enablers of SCOURing: A study of online piracy in the US and UK. Journal of Business Research, 63(9), 1095-1102.
Sinnreich et al. (2020)Sinnreich, A., Aufderheide, P., Clifford, M. and Shahin, S. (2020) Access shrugged: The decline of the copyleft and the rise of utilitarian openness. New Media & Society.
Wang and McClung (2011)Wang, X. & McClung, S. R. 2011. Toward a Detailed Understanding of Illegal Digital Downloading Intentions: An Extended Theory of Planned Behavior Approach. New Media and Society, 13, 663-677.