Heredia-Carroza, J.

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Heredia-Carroza, J. is an author defined within the Copyright Evidence wiki.

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This author has contributed to the following studies (2):

Heredia-Carroza, Palma and Aguado (2019)Heredia-Carroza, J., Palma, L. and Aguado, L.F. (2019) Song, Performance and Authorship: The Case of Flamenco in Spain. Trames, 23(73/68), 1, 2-14
Heredia-Carroza, Palma and Aguado (2023)Heredia-Carroza, J., Palma, L., Aguado, L.F. (2023) Does copyright understand intangible heritage? The case of flamenco in Spain, International Journal of Heritage Studies, 29:6, 598-614.