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From Copyright EVIDENCE
Fetscherin (2009)Fetscherin, M. (2009). Importance of Cultural and Risk Aspects in Music Piracy: A Cross-National Comparison Among University Students. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 10(1), 42-55.
Filiciak, Hofmokl and Tarkowski (2012)Filiciak, M., Hofmokl, J., & Tarkowski, A. (2012). The Circulations of Culture-On Social Distribution of Content. Warsaw School of Social Sciences and Humanities: September 1st, 2012. Available at SSRN 2246508.
Gerhardt (2011)Gerhardt, D. R. (2011). Copyright publication: an empirical study. Notre Dame Law Review, 87(1).
Goel, Miesing and Chandra (2010)Goel, S., Miesing, P., & Chandra, U. (2010). The impact of illegal peer-to-peer file sharing on the media industry. California Management Review, 52(3), 6-33.
Goles, Jayatilaka, George, Parsons, Chambers, Taylor and Brune (2008)Goles, T., Jayatilaka, B., George, B., Parsons, L., Chambers, V., Taylor, D., & Brune, R. (2008). Softlifting: Exploring determinants of attitude. Journal of Business Ethics, 77(4), 481-499.
Grolleau, Mzoughi and Sutan (2008)Grolleau, G., Mzoughi, N., & Sutan, A. (2008). Please do not pirate it, you will rob the poor! An experimental investigation on the effect of charitable donations on piracy. The Journal of Socio-Economics, 37(6), 2417-2426.
Guibault, Salamanca and van Gompel (2015)Guibault, L., Salamanca, O. and van Gompel, S. (2015) Remuneration of authors and performers for the use of their works and the fixations of their performances. A study prepared for the European Commission DG Communications Networks, Content & Technology by Europe Economics and IVIR.
Gunter (2009)Gunter, W.D. (2009) Internet Scallywags: A Comparative Analysis of Multiple Forms and Measurements of Digital Piracy. Western Criminology Review10(1):15-28
Hansen and Walden (2012)Hansen, J. M., & Walden, E. (2013). The Role of Restrictiveness of Use in Determining Ethical and Legal Awareness of Unauthorized File Sharing. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 14(9), 521-549.
Hashim, Kannan, Maximiano and Rees (2012)Hashim, M., Kannan, K., Maximiano, S., & Rees, J. (2012). Digital piracy, teens, and the source of advice: An experimental study. Journal of Mananagement Information Studies, 31(2), 211-244.
Heald (2014b)Heald, P. J. (2014). The Demand for Out-of-Print Works and Their (Un) Availability in Alternative Markets. Illinois Public Law Research Paper, (14-31).
Heald (2020b)Heald, P. J. (2020) The Effect of Copyright Term Length on South African Book Markets (With Reference to the Google Book Project). South African Journal of Intellectual Property Law, Forthcoming
Higgins and Makin (2004)Higgins, G. E. and Makin, D. A. 2004. Self-Control, Deviant Peers, and Software Piracy Psychological Reports, 95, 921-931.
Hinduja (2008)Hinduja, S. (2008). Deindividuation and internet software piracy. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 11(4), 391-398.
Hinduja and Higgins (2011)Hinduja, S., & Higgins, G. E. (2011). Trends and patterns among music pirates. Deviant Behavior, 32(7), 563-588.
Hinduja and Ingram (2009)Hinduja, S., & Ingram, J. R. (2009). Social learning theory and music piracy: the differential role of online and offline peer influences. Criminal Justice Studies, 22(4), 405-420.
Hong (2004)Hong, S-H. (2004). The effect of napster on recorded music sales: Evidence from the consumer expenditure survey. Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research, Discussion Paper No. 03-18.
Hui and Png (2002)Hui, K.-L., and I.P .L. Png. 2002. “On the Supply of Creative Work: Evidence from the Movies”. The American Economic Review 92(2);217-220
Hui and Png (2003)Hui, K. L., & Png, I. (2003). Piracy and the legitimate demand for recorded music. Contributions in Economic Analysis & Policy, 2(1).
Jacobs, Heuvelman, Tan and Peters (2012)Jacobs, R. S., Heuvelman, A., Tan, M. & Peters, O. (2012). Digital movie piracy: A perspective on downloading behavior through social cognitive theory. Computers in Human Behavior, 28(3), 958-967.