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From Copyright EVIDENCE
Charles River Associates (2014)Charles River Associates, Economic Analysis of the Territoriality of the Making Available Right in the EU (2014).
Cheliotis (2007)Cheliotis, G. (2007). Remix culture: an empirical analysis of creative reuse and the licensing of digital media in online communities.
Chen and Png (2003)Chen, Yeh-ning, and Ivan Png. Information goods pricing and copyright enforcement: Welfare analysis. Information Systems Research 14.1 (2003): 107-123.
Chen and Puttitanun (2005)Chen, Y., & Puttitanun, T. (2005). Intellectual Property Rights and Innovation in Developing Countries. Journal of Development Economics, 78(2), 474-493.
Cohen, Nelson and Walsh (2000)Cohen, W. M., Nelson, R. R., & Walsh, J.P. (2000). Protecting their intellectual assets: Appropriability conditions and why U.S. manufacturing firms patent(or not). National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper No.7552.
Condry (2004)Condry, I. (2004). Cultures of music piracy An ethnographic comparison of the US and Japan. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 7(3), 343-363.
Corbett (2011)Corbett, S., 2011. Archiving Our Culture in a Digital Environment: Copyright Law and Digitisation Practices in Cultural Heritage Institutions. New Zealand Law Foundation Report.
Cotropia and Gibson (2014)Cotropia, C. A., & Gibson, J. (2014). Copyright's Topography: An Empirical Study of Copyright Litigation. Texas Law Review, 92(7).
Cuntz and Bergquist (2020)
Danahar, Smith and Teland (2015)Danaher, B., Smith, M., Teland, R.,'Copyright Enforcement in the Digital Age: Empirical Evidence and Conclusions', WIPO/ACE/10/20, 2015
Danaher, Dhanasobhon, Smith and Telang (2010)Danaher, B., Dhanasobhon, S., Smith, M. D., & Telang, R. (2010). Converting pirates without cannibalizing purchasers: the impact of digital distribution on physical sales and internet piracy. Marketing science, 29(6), 1138-1151.
Danaher, Smith, Telang and Chen (2012)Danaher, B., Smith, M. D., Telang, R., & Chen, S. (2014). The Effect of Graduated Response Anti‐Piracy Laws on Music Sales: Evidence from an Event Study in France. The Journal of Industrial Economics, 62(3), 541-553.
David (1993)David, P. A. 1993. “Intellectual Property Institutions and the Panda’ s Thumb: Patents , Copyrights and Trade Secrets in Economic Theory and History”, in M. Wallerstein, M. Mogee and R. Schoen (eds .), Global Dimensions of Intellectual Property Rights in Science and Technology . Washington DC: National Academy Press; 19-61.
Depoorter and Vanneste (2006)Depoorter, B. and Vanneste, S., 2006. Norms and enforcement: The case against copyright litigation. Oregon Law Review, 84(4), p.1127.
Depoorter and Walker (2013)Depoorter, B. and Walker, R.K., 2013. Copyright false positives.
DiCola and Touve (2014)DiCola, P. C., & Touve, D. (2014). Licensing in the Shadow of Copyright.
Dickson (2010)Dickson, M., 2010. Due diligence, futile effort: Copyright and the digitization of the Thomas E. Watson papers. The American Archivist, 73(2), pp.626-636.
Dryden (2008)Dryden, J.E., 2008. Copyright in the real world: Making archival material available on the Internet (Doctoral dissertation, University of Toronto).
Dulong de Rosnay and Langlais (2017)Dulong de Rosnay, M. and Langlais, P. (2017) Public artworks and the freedom of panorama controversy: a case of Wikimedia influence. Internet Policy Review Vol. 6(1)
EPO and OHIM (2013)EPO and OHIM (2013). Intellectual property rights intensive industries: contribution to economic performance and employment in the European Union.