
From Copyright EVIDENCE

On this page you can create a new Study record, or edit an existing one. To create or edit a study you must know its unique identifier. This will be/is the name of the wiki page where you'll find a given Study record.

These should be created using the following naming convention:

  • Where there is a sole author/editor:
    • Author-surname (year)
    • e.g. Palin (2015)
  • Where there are two or more authors/editors:
    • Author-surname-1, Author-surname-2 and Author-surname-3 (year)
    • e.g. Palin, Jones and Cleese (2015)
  • Where there is more than one record by those authors in a given year:
    • Author-surname-1 (year_uniquesuffix)
    • e.g. Palin and Jones (2015a) and Palin and Jones (2015b)

To create a page with this form, enter an identifier that conforms with this convention in the box below; if a page with that name already exists, you will be sent to a form to edit that page.