Sprigman, C. J.

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Sprigman, C. J. is an author defined within the Copyright Evidence wiki.

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This author has contributed to the following studies (7):

Bechtold, Buccafusco and Sprigman (2016)Bechtold, S., Buccafusco, C. And Sprigman, J.C. (2016) Innovation Heuristics: Experiments on Sequential Creativity in Intellectual Property. Indiana Law Journal, 2016, Forthcoming.
Buccafusco and Sprigman (2010)Buccafusco, C. J., & Sprigman, C. J. (2010). Valuing Intellectual Property: An Experiment. Cornell Law Review.
Buccafusco, Burns, Fromer and Sprigman (2014)Buccafusco, C. J., Burns, Z. C., Fromer, J. C., & Sprigman, C. J. (2014). Experimental Tests of Intellectual Property Laws’ Creativity Thresholds. Texas Law Review, 93, 1921.
Raustiala and Sprigman (2006)Raustiala, K. and Sprigman, C.J. (2006) The Piracy Paradox: Innovation and Intellectual Property in Fashion Design. Virginia Law Review, Vol. 92, 1687-1777
Raustiala and Sprigman (2019)Raustiala, K., & Sprigman, C. J. (2019). The Second Digital Disruption: Streaming and the Dawn of Data-Driven Creativity. NYUL Rev., 94, 1555.
Sprigman (2017)Sprigman, C.J. (2017) Copyright and Creative Incentives: What we Know (And Don’t). Houston Law Review, Vol. 55, No.2 , 451-478
Sprigman, Buccafusco and Burns (2013)Buccafusco, C. J., Sprigman, C. J., & Burns, Z. C. (2012). What's a Name Worth?: Experimental Tests of the Value of Attribution in Intellectual Property. Boston University Law Review, 93, 1.