A14: Sociology of Economics

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A full list of disciplines is available here

A14: Sociology of Economics is a discipline defined within the Copyright Evidence wiki. It is based on the JEL Discipline Classification System.

The following studies are coded as being associated with this discipline (21):

Cenite, Wang, Peiwen and Chan (2009)Cenite, M., Wang, M. W., Peiwen, C., & Chan, G. S. (2009). More Than Just Free Content Motivations of Peer-to-Peer File Sharers. Journal of Communication Inquiry, 33(3), 206-221.
Chiu, Hsieh and Wang (2008)Chiu, H. C., Hsieh, Y. C. and Wang, M. C. 2008. How to Encourage Customers to use Legal Software. Journal of Business Ethics, 80, 583-595.
Cox, Collins and Drinkwater (2010)Cox, J., Collins, A. and Drinkwater, S. 2010. Seeders, Leechers and Social Norms: Evidence From the Market for Illicit Digital Downloading. Information Economics and Policy, 22, 299-305.
Dobusch and Quack (2013)Dobusch, L., & Quack, S. (2013). Framing standards, mobilizing users: Copyright versus fair use in transnational regulation. Review of International Political Economy, 20(1), 52-88.
Erickson, Kretschmer and Mendis (2013)Erickson, K., Kretschmer, M., & Mendis, D. (2013). Copyright and the Economic Effects of Parody: An Empirical Study of Music Videos on the YouTube Platform and an Assessment of the Regulatory Options. Intellectual Property Office Research Paper, (2013/24).
Fauchart and Hippel (2006)Fauchart, E., & Von Hippel, E. (2008). Norms-based intellectual property systems: The case of French chefs. Organization Science, 19(2), 187-201.
Fetscherin (2009)Fetscherin, M. (2009). Importance of Cultural and Risk Aspects in Music Piracy: A Cross-National Comparison Among University Students. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 10(1), 42-55.
Forman (2010)Forman, A. E. (2009). An exploratory study on the factors associated with ethical intention of digital piracy (Doctoral dissertation, Nova Southeastern University).
Higgins and Makin (2004)Higgins, G. E. and Makin, D. A. 2004. Self-Control, Deviant Peers, and Software Piracy Psychological Reports, 95, 921-931.
Larsson, Svensson, Mezei and De Kaminski (2014)Larsson, S., Svensson, M., Mezei, P., & De Kaminski, M. (2014). The Digital Intellectual Property Challenge Revisited: File-sharing and Copyright Development in Hungary.
Morris and Higgins (2009)Morris, R. G. and Higgins, G. E. 2009. Neutralizing Potential and Self-Reported Digital Piracy: A Multitheoretical Exploration Among College Undergraduates. Criminal Justice Review, 34, 173-195.
Palfrey, Gasser, Simun and Barnes (2009)Palfrey, J., Gasser, U., Simun, M., & Barnes, R. F. (2009). Youth, creativity, and copyright in the digital age.
Peace, Galletta and Thong (2003)Peace, A. G., Galletta, D. F., & Thong, J. Y. (2003). Software piracy in the workplace: A model and empirical test. Journal of Management Information Systems, 20(1), 153-177.
Plowman and Goode (2009)Plowman, S., & Goode, S. (2009). Factors affecting the intention to download music: Quality perceptions and downloading intensity. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 49(4), 84-97.
Robinson and Montgomery (2000)Robinson, M. D., & Montgomery, S. S. (2000). The time allocation and earnings of artists. Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society, 39(3), 525-534.
Rochelandet and Le Guel (2005)Rochelandet, F., & Le Guel, F. (2005). P2P music sharing networks: Why the legal fight against copiers may be inefficient. Review of Economic Research on Copyright Issues, 2(2), 69-82.
Sag (2012)Sag, M. (2012). Predicting fair use. Ohio State Law Journal, 73, 1.
Svensson and Larsson (2012)Svensson, M., & Larsson, S. (2012). Intellectual property law compliance in Europe: Illegal file sharing and the role of social norms. New media & society, 14(7), 1147-1163.
Throsby (2008)Throsby, C. D. (2008). Creative Australia: The arts and culture in Australian work and leisure. Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia.
Wingrove, Korpas and Weisz (2011)Wingrove, T., Korpas, A. L. and Weisz, V. 2011. Why Were Millions of People Not Obeying the Law? Motivational Influences on Non-Compliance with the Law in the Case of Music Piracy. Psychology Crime and Law, 17, 261-276.
Yoon (2012)Yoon, C. (2012). Digital piracy intention: a comparison of theoretical models. Behaviour & Information Technology, 31(6), 565-576.