D. Licensing and Business models (collecting societies; meta data; exchanges/hubs; windowing; crossborder availability)

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This field includes papers that examine policy issues related to strategies and licensing solutions in the exploitation of copyright protected materials, and how legal markets attempt to match production to consumption. Among others, the papers included under this category examine collecting societies, metadata, copyright exchanges and hubs, windowing and crossborder access.

Evidence Based Policy Areas

D. Licensing and Business models (collecting societies; meta data; exchanges/hubs; windowing; crossborder availability) is an evidence based policy area defined within the Copyright Evidence wiki.

The following studies are related to this issue (288):

Aguiar and Martens (2013)Aguiar, L., & Martens, B. (2013). Digital music consumption on the internet: Evidence from clickstream data. Working Paper No. JRC79605. Available at SSRN 2265299
Aguiar and Waldfogel (2014)Aguiar, Luis, and Joel Waldfogel. Digitization, Copyright, and the Welfare Effects of Music Trade. Copyright, and the Welfare Effects of Music Trade (December 3, 2014) (2014).
Aguilar (2017)Aguilar, A. (2017) Distributed Ownership in Music: Between Authorship and Performance. Social & Legal Studies, 27(6), pp776-798
Akmon (2010)Akmon, D. (2010). Only with your permission: how rights holders respond (or don’t respond) to requests to display archival materials online. Archival Science, 10(1), 45-64.
Allen (2012)Allen, N. (2012) Art Museum Images in Scholarly Publishing. Texas: Connexions.
Andersen and Frenz (2008)Andersen, B., & Frenz, M. (2008). The impact of music downloads and P2P file-sharing on the purchase of music in Canada.
Andrés (2006b)Andrés, A. R. (2006). Software piracy and income inequality. Applied Economics Letters, 13(2), 101-105.
Antelman (2004)Antelman, K. (2004) Do Open Access Articles Have a Greater Research Impact? College & Research Libraries News, vol. 65, n. 5, pp. 372-382.
Arendt, Peacemaker and Miller (2018)Arendt, J., Peacemaker, B. And Miller, H. (2018) Same Question, Different World: Replicating an Open Access Research Impact Study. College and Research Libraries (Preprint)
Asser Institute and IViR (2014)T.M.C. Asser Instituut/Asser International Sports Law Centre and the Institute for Information Law - University of Amsterdam (2014) Study on Sports Organisers' Rights in the European Union, EAC/18/2012
Astle and Muir (2002)Astle, P.J. and Muir, A., 2002. Digitization and preservation in public libraries and archives. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 34(2), pp.67-79.
Athey, Mobius and Pal (2017)Athey, S., Mobius, M. M., & Pál, J. (2017). The Impact of Aggregators on Internet News Consumption.
Australian Law Reform Commission (2013)ALRC Report 122 (2013), available at http://www.alrc.gov.au/sites/default/files/pdfs/publications/final_report_alrc_122_2nd_december_2013_.pdf.
Baghestan et al. (2019)Abbas Ghanbari Baghestan, Hadi Khaniki, Abdolhosein Kalantari, Mehrnoosh Akhtari-Zavare, Elaheh Farahmand, Ezhar Tamam, Nader Ale Ebrahim, Havva Sabani and Mahmoud Danaee (2019) A Crisis in “Open Access”: Should Communication Scholarly Outputs Take 77 Years to Become Open Access? SAGE Open 9(3)
Baker and Cunningham (2006)Baker, M., & Cunningham, B. (2006). Court decisions and equity markets: Estimating the value of copyright protection. Journal of Law and Economics 49(2), 567-596.
Ballon and Westermann (2006)Ballon, H. and Westermann, M. (2006) Art History and Its Publications in the Electronic Age. Texas: Connexions.
Band (2013b)Band, J. (2013). Profitability of firms in copyright-intensive industries. Bandwidth. Available at SSRN 2333844
Banks and Humphreys (2008)Banks, J., & Humphreys, S. (2008). The Labour of User Co-Creators Emergent Social Network Markets?. Convergence: the International Journal of research into New Media technologies, 14(4), 401-418.
Bechtold (2013)Bechtold, S., 2013. The fashion of TV show formats.
Beekhuyzen, Von Hellens and Nielsen (2011)Beekhuyzen, J., Von Hellens, L. and Nielsen, S. 2011. Underground online music communities: exploring rules for membership. Online Information Review, 35, 699-715.
Belleflamme and Peitz (2010)Belleflamme, P., & Peitz, M. (2010). Digital piracy: Theory. CESifo Working Paper Series No. 3222. Available at SSRN 1698618.
Belleflamme and Peitz (2014)Belleflammea, Paul, and Martin Peitzb. Digital piracy. (2014).
Belleflamme, Omrani and Peitz (2015)Belleflamme, P., Omrani, N. and Peitz, M., 2015. The economics of crowdfunding platforms. Information Economics and Policy, 33, pp.11-28.
Bellégo and Nijs (2020)Bellégo, C., & De Nijs, R. (2020). The Unintended Consequences of Antipiracy Laws on Markets with Asymmetric Piracy: The Case of the French Movie Industry. Information Systems Research, 31(4), 1064-1086.
Bently et al. (2017)Bently, L., Kretschmer, M., Dudenbostel, T., Moreno, M. and Radauer, A. (2017) Strengthening the Position of Press Publishers and Authors and Performers in the Copyright Directive. Project Report. European Parliament, Brussels.
Bessen (2005)Bessen, J. E. (2005). Open source software: Free provision of complex public goods. Boston University. Available at SSRN 588763.
Bhattacharjee, Gopal and Sanders (2003)Bhattacharjee, S., Gopal, R. D., & Sanders, G. L. (2003). Digital music and online sharing: Software piracy 2.0?. Communications of the ACM, 46(7), 107-111.
Bhattacharjee, Gopal, Lertwachara and Marsden (2006a)Bhattacharjee, S., Gopal, R., Lertwachara, K. and Marsden, J. R. 2006a. Whatever Happened to payola? An Empirical Analysis of Online Music Sharing. Decision Support Systems, 42, 104-120.
Bhattacharjee, Gopal, Lertwachara and Marsden (2006b)Bhattacharjee, S., Gopal, R. D., Lertwachara, K., & Marsden, J. R. (2006). Impact of Legal Threats on Online Music Sharing Activity: An Analysis of Music Industry Legal Actions*. Journal of law and economics, 49(1), 91-114.
Bhattacharjee, Gopal, Lertwachara, Marsden and Telang (2007)Bhattacharjee, S., Gopal, R. D., Lertwachara, K., Marsden, J. R., & Telang, R. (2007). The effect of digital sharing technologies on music markets: A survival analysis of albums on ranking charts. Management Science, 53(9), 1359-1374.
Bjork (2012)Björk, B.C., The Hybrid Model for Open Access Publication of Scholarly Articles–a Failed Experiment?.
Blackburn (2004)Blackburn, D . (2004). A study of online piracy and recorded music sales. Harvard University, Working Paper.
Bodo, Antal and Puha (2020)Bodo, B., Antal, D. and Puha, Z. (2020) Open access is not a panacea, even if it’s radical – an empirical study on the role of shadow libraries in closing the inequality of knowledge access. Amsterdam Law School Research Paper No. 2020-39
Borghi, Maggiolino, Montagnani and Nuccio (2012)Borghi, M., Maggiolino, M., Montagnani, M.L. & Nuccio, M. (2012). Determinants in the online distribution of digital content: An exploratory analysis. European Journal for Law and Technology, 3(2), 1-29.
Bounie, Bourreau and Waelbroeck (2006)Bounie, D., Bourreau, M., & Waelbroeck, P. (2006). Piracy and the demand for films: Analysis of piracy behavior in French universities. Review of Economic Research on Copyright Issues, 3(2), 15-27.
Bounie, Bourreau and Waelbroeck (2007)Bounie, D., Bourreau, M., & Waelbroeck, P. 2007. Pirates or explorers? Analysis of music consumption in French graduate schools. Brussels Economic Review, 50(2), 167-192.
Bradley, Kolev (2023)Wendy A. Bradley, Julian Kolev, How does digital piracy affect innovation? Evidence from software firms. (2023). Research Policy, Volume 52, Issue 3, 2023, 104701, ISSN 0048-7333, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.respol.2022.104701.
Breyer (1970)Breyer, S., 1970. The uneasy case for copyright: A study of copyright in books, photocopies, and computer programs. Harvard Law Review, pp.281-351.
Brooks (2005)Brooks, T. (2005). Survey of reissues of US recordings. Council on Library and Information Resources.
Brynjolfsson and Smith (2000)Brynjolfsson, E., & Smith, M. D. (2000). Frictionless commerce? A comparison of Internet and conventional retailers. Management Science, 46(4), 563-585.
Buccafusco and Garcia (2021)Buccafusco, C. and Garcia, K. (2021) Pay-to-Playlist: The Commerce of Music Streaming. 12 UC Irvine L. Rev (forthcoming 2021)
Buccafusco and Heald (2012)Buccafusco, C., & Heald, P. J. (2012). Do Bad Things Happen When Works Enter the Public Domain: Empirical Tests of Copyright Term Extension. Berkeley Tech. LJ, 28, 1.
Buxmann, Pohl, Johnscher and Strube (2005)Buxmann, P., Pohl, G., Johnscher, & P., Strube, J. (2005). Strategies for digital music markets: Pricing and the effectiveness of measures against pirate copies. Wirtschaftsinformatik, 47(2), 118-125.
Calzada and Gil (2016)Calzada, J., & Gil, R. (2016). What Do News Aggregators Do? Evidence from Google News in Spain and Germany.
Camerani, Grassano, Chavarro and Tang (2013)Camerani, R., Grassano, N., Chavarro, D. & Tang, P. (2013) Private Copying, IPO, 2013
Cameron (1988)Cameron, S. (1988). The impact of video recorders on cinema attendance. Journal of Cultural Economics, 12(1), 73-80.
Cameron and Bazelon (2013)Cameron, L., & Bazelon, C. (2013). The impact of digitization on business models in copyright driven industries: a review of economic issues. Brattle Groupe paper prepared for the US National Research Council, available at: http://sites.nationalacademies.org/cs/groups/pgasite/documents/webpage/pga_063398.pdf.
Campagnolo et al. (2018)Campagnolo, G.M., Giannatou, E., Franklin, M., Stewart, J., and Williams, R. (2018) Revolution remixed? The emergence of Open Content Film-making as a viable component within the mainstream film industry. Information, Communication and Society, pp1-18. ISSN 1369-118X
Carrier (2012)Carrier, M. A. (2012). Copyright and innovation: The untold story. Wisconsin Law Review 891. Available at SSRN 2099876
Castañer and Campos (2002)Castañer, X. and Campos, L., 2002. The determinants of artistic innovation: Bringing in the role of organizations. Journal of Cultural Economics, 26(1), pp.29-52.
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