Erickson, K.

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Erickson, K. is an author defined within the Copyright Evidence wiki.

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This author has contributed to the following studies (13):

Erickson (2014)Erickson, K. (2014) User Illusion: Ideological Construction of ‘User- Generated Content’ in the EC Consultation on Copyright. Internet Policy Review 4(3). DOI:10.14763/2014.4.331
Erickson (2018)Erickson, K. (2018) Can creative firms thrive without copyright? Value generation and capture from private-collection innovation. Business Horizons, 61:5, pp699-709
Erickson and Kretschmer (2018)Erickson, K. and Kretschmer, M. (2018) “This Video is Unavailable”: Analysing Copyright Takedown of User-Generated Content on YouTube. Journal of Intellectual Property, Information Technology and E-Commerce Law (JIPITEC), 9(1)
Erickson and Kretschmer (2019)Erickson, K. And Kretschmer, M. (2019) Empirical Approaches to Intermediary Liability in THE OXFORD HANDBOOK OF INTERMEDIARY LIABILITY ONLINE (ed. Giancarlo Frosio), Oxford University Press, Forthcoming
Erickson, Heald, Homberg, Kretschmer and Mendis (2015)Erickson, K., Heald, P. J., Homberg, F., Kretschmer, M., & Mendis, D. (2015). Copyright and the Value of the Public Domain: An Empirical Assessment. Intellectual Property Office Research Paper.
Erickson, Kretschmer and Mendis (2013)Erickson, K., Kretschmer, M., & Mendis, D. (2013). Copyright and the Economic Effects of Parody: An Empirical Study of Music Videos on the YouTube Platform and an Assessment of the Regulatory Options. Intellectual Property Office Research Paper, (2013/24).
Erickson, Kretschmer and Mendis (2019)Erickson, K., Kretschmer, M. and Mendis, D. (2019) “An Empirical Approach to the Public Domain” in Drexl, J. and Kamperman, J. Sanders (Eds.) The Innovation Society and Intellectual Property, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
Erickson, Perez and Sinha (2017)Erickson, K., Perez, J.R. and Sinha, S. (2017) How Much Do Consumers Value Interoperability? Evidence from the Price of DVD Players. Available: (last accessed 12/03/2023)
Erickson, Rodriguez Perez and Rodriguez Perez (2018)Erickson, K, Rodriguez Perez, F and Rodriguez Perez, J (2018) What is the Commons Worth? Estimating the Value of Wikimedia Imagery by Observing Downstream Use. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Open Collaboration. OpenSym ’18: The 14th International Symposium on Open Collaboration, 22-24 Aug 2018, Paris, France. ACM (Association for Computing Machinery). ISBN 978-1-4503-59 36-8
Heald, Erickson and Kretschmer (2015)Heald, P. J., Kretschmer, M., & Erickson, K. (2015). The Valuation of Unprotected Works: A Case Study of Public Domain Photographs on Wikipedia. Available at SSRN.
Kretschmer, Deazley, Edwards, Erickson, Schafer and Zizzo (2014)Kretschmer, M., Deazley, R., Edwards, L., Erickson, K., Schafer, B., & Zizzo, D. J. (2014). The European Commission's Public Consultation on the Review of EU Copyright Rules: A Response by the CREATe Centre. European Intellectual Property Review, 36(9), 547-553.
Stobo, Erickson, Bertoni and Guerrieri (2018)Stobo, V., Erickson, K., Bertoni, A. And Guerrieri, F. (2018) Current Best Practices among Cultural Heritage Institutions when Dealing with Copyright Orphan Works and Analysis of Crowdsourcing Options. Report.
Stobo, Patterson, Erickson and Deazley (2018)Stobo, V., Patterson, K., Erickson, K., and Deazley, R. (2018) ‘I should like you to see them some time': an empirical study of copyright clearance costs in the digitisation of Edwin Morgan's scrapbooks. Zenodo.