Film and motion pictures

From Copyright EVIDENCE
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Industry Sectors

Film and motion pictures is an industry sector defined within the Copyright Evidence wiki.

The following studies involve this industry sector (258):

Adermon and Liang (2011)Adermon, Adrian, Che-Yuan Liang. 2014. Piracy and Music Sales: The Effects of an Anti-Piracy Law. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 105, 90-106.
Aguiar, Claussen and Peukert (2018)Aguiar, L., Claussen, J. And Peukert, C. (2018) Catch Me if You Can: Effectiveness and Consequences of Online Copyright Enforcement. Information Systems Research, 29(3), pp 656-678
Akester (2009)Akester, P. (2009). Technological accommodation of conflicts between freedom of expression and DRM: the first empirical assessment. Available at SSRN 1469412.
Al-Rafee and Cronan (2006)Al-Rafee, S., & Cronan, T. P. (2006). Digital Piracy: Factors That Influence Attitude Toward Behavior. Journal of Business Ethics, 63(3), 237-259.
Al-Rafee and Dashti (2012)Al-Rafee, S., & Dashti, A. E. (2012). A Cross Cultural Comparison of the Extended TPB: The Case of Digital Piracy. Journal of Global Information Technology Management, 15(1), 5-24.
Al-Rafee and Rouibah (2010)Al-Rafee, S., & Rouibah, K. (2010). The fight against digital piracy: An experiment. Telematics and Informatics, 27(3), 283-292.
Arnold, Darmon, Dejean and Penard (2014)Arnold M. A., Darmon E., Dejean S. and Penard T., Graduated Response Policy and the Behaviour of Digital Pirates: Evidence from the French Three-Strike (Hadopi) Law (2014)
Asongu (2014)Simplice Asongu, (2014) "Software piracy, inequality and the poor: evidence from Africa", Journal of Economic Studies, Vol. 41 Issue: 4, pp.526-553, available under:
Attorney-General's Department (2008)Attorney-General's Department (Australia), 2008, Review of copyright exceptions for private copying of photographs and films - final report, Attorney-General's Department (Australia)
Aufderheide and Jaszi (2004)Aufderheide, P., & Jaszi, P. (2004). Untold stories: Creative consequences of the rights clearance culture for documentary filmmakers.
Aufderheide and Sinnreich (2015)Aufderheide, P., & Sinnreich, A. (2015). Documentarians, fair use, and free expression: changes in copyright attitudes and actions with access to best practices. Information, Communication & Society, (ahead-of-print), 1-10.
Aufderheide et al. (2018)Aufderheide, P., Pappalardo, K., Suzor, N. And Stevens, J. (2018) Calculating the consequences of narrow Australian copyright exceptions: Measurable, hidden and incalculable costs to creators. Poetics, 69, pp15-26.
Australian Law Reform Commission (2013)ALRC Report 122 (2013), available at
BOP Consulting and DotEcon (2015)BOP Consulting, DotEcon (2015). International Comparison of Approaches to Online Copyright Infringement: Final Report, commissioned by the Intellectual Property Office.
Bai and Waldfogel (2012)Bai, J., & Waldfogel, J. (2012). Movie piracy and sales displacement in two samples of Chinese consumers. Information Economics and Policy, 24(3), 187-196.
Band (2013a)Band, J. (2013). CEO compensation in copyright-intensive industries. Bandwidth. Available at SSRN 2333854.
Band (2013b)Band, J. (2013). Profitability of firms in copyright-intensive industries. Bandwidth. Available at SSRN 2333844
Band and Gerafi (2013)Band, J. & Gerafi, J. (2013). Foreign ownership of firms in IP intensive industries. Policy Bandwidth. Available at SSRN 2333839.
Banerjee, Banerjee and Raychaudhuri (2008)Banerjee, Dyuti S., and Ajitava Raychaudhuri. OPTIMAL ENFORCEMENT AND ANTI‐COPYING STRATEGIES TO COUNTER COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT. Japanese Economic Review 59.4 (2008): 519-535.
Bar-Ziv and Elkin-Koren (2018)Bar-Ziv, S. and Elkin-Koren, N. (2018) Behind the Scenes of Online Copyright Enforcement: Empirical Evidence on Notice & Takedown. Connecticut Law Review, Vol. 50(2).
Batikas, Claussen and Peukert (2019)Batikas, M., Claussen, J., & Peukert, C. (2019). Follow the money: Online piracy and self-regulation in the advertising industry. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 65, 121-151.
Beard, Ford and Stern (2018)Beard, T.R., Ford, G.S., and Stern, M. (2018) Safe Harbours and the Evolution of Online Platform Markets: An Economic Analysis. 36 Cardozo Arts & Ent. L.J. 309
Bechtold, Buccafusco and Sprigman (2016)Bechtold, S., Buccafusco, C. And Sprigman, J.C. (2016) Innovation Heuristics: Experiments on Sequential Creativity in Intellectual Property. Indiana Law Journal, 2016, Forthcoming.
Belleflamme and Peitz (2010)Belleflamme, P., & Peitz, M. (2010). Digital piracy: Theory. CESifo Working Paper Series No. 3222. Available at SSRN 1698618.
Belleflamme and Peitz (2014)Belleflammea, Paul, and Martin Peitzb. Digital piracy. (2014).
Bellégo and Nijs (2020)Bellégo, C., & De Nijs, R. (2020). The Unintended Consequences of Antipiracy Laws on Markets with Asymmetric Piracy: The Case of the French Movie Industry. Information Systems Research, 31(4), 1064-1086.
Borghi, Maggiolino, Montagnani and Nuccio (2012)Borghi, M., Maggiolino, M., Montagnani, M.L. & Nuccio, M. (2012). Determinants in the online distribution of digital content: An exploratory analysis. European Journal for Law and Technology, 3(2), 1-29.
Bounie, Bourreau and Waelbroeck (2006)Bounie, D., Bourreau, M., & Waelbroeck, P. (2006). Piracy and the demand for films: Analysis of piracy behavior in French universities. Review of Economic Research on Copyright Issues, 3(2), 15-27.
Brassell and Goodyer (2015)Brassell, M. & Goodyer, I. (2015) Penalty Fair? Study of criminal sanctions for copyright infringement available under the CDPA 1988. IPO, 2015
Brauneis and Oliar (2016)Brauneis, R. and Olliar, D. (2016) Copyright’s Race, Gender and Age: A First Quantitative Look at Registrations. GWU Law School Public Law Research paper No. 2016-48
Bryce and Rutter (2005)Bryce, J., & Rutter, J. (2005). Fake Nation? A study into an everyday crime. The Intellectual Property Theft and Organised Crime research project, UK.
Buccafusco and Masur (2013)Buccafusco, Christopher, and Jonathan S. Masur. Innovation and Incarceration: An Economic Analysis of Criminal Intellectual Property Law. S. Cal. L. Rev. 87 (2013): 275.
Camerani, Grassano, Chavarro and Tang (2013)Camerani, R., Grassano, N., Chavarro, D. & Tang, P. (2013) Private Copying, IPO, 2013
Cameron (1988)Cameron, S. (1988). The impact of video recorders on cinema attendance. Journal of Cultural Economics, 12(1), 73-80.
Cameron and Bazelon (2013)Cameron, L., & Bazelon, C. (2013). The impact of digitization on business models in copyright driven industries: a review of economic issues. Brattle Groupe paper prepared for the US National Research Council, available at:
Campagnolo et al. (2018)Campagnolo, G.M., Giannatou, E., Franklin, M., Stewart, J., and Williams, R. (2018) Revolution remixed? The emergence of Open Content Film-making as a viable component within the mainstream film industry. Information, Communication and Society, pp1-18. ISSN 1369-118X
Carpou (2016)Carpou, Z. (2016) Robots, Pirates and the Rise of the Automated Takedown Regime: Using the DMCA to Fight Piracy and Protect End-Users. 39 Colum J.L. & Arts 551.
Cenite, Wang, Peiwen and Chan (2009)Cenite, M., Wang, M. W., Peiwen, C., & Chan, G. S. (2009). More Than Just Free Content Motivations of Peer-to-Peer File Sharers. Journal of Communication Inquiry, 33(3), 206-221.
Charles River Associates (2013)Assessing the Economic Impacts of Adapting Certain Limitations and Exceptions to Copyright and Related Rights in the EU, Charles River Assoc., (2013), available at
Charles River Associates (2014)Charles River Associates, Economic Analysis of the Territoriality of the Making Available Right in the EU (2014).
Cockrill and Goode (2012)Cockrill, A., & Goode, M. M. (2012). DVD Pirating Intentions: Angels, Devils, Chancers and Receivers. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 11(1), 1-10.
Collopy, Bastian, Drye, Koempel, Lewis, Jenner (2014)Collopy, D., Bastian, V., Drye, T., Koempel, F., Lewis, D., & Jenner, P. (2014). Measuring Infringement of Intellectual Property Rights.
Corporate Europe Observatory (2018)Corporate Europe Observatory (2018) Copyright Directive: how competing big business lobbies drowned out critical voices. Available via: (last accessed: 7 June 2019)
Cotropia and Gibson (2014)Cotropia, C. A., & Gibson, J. (2014). Copyright's Topography: An Empirical Study of Copyright Litigation. Texas Law Review, 92(7).
Cox, Collins and Drinkwater (2010)Cox, J., Collins, A. and Drinkwater, S. 2010. Seeders, Leechers and Social Norms: Evidence From the Market for Illicit Digital Downloading. Information Economics and Policy, 22, 299-305.
Creative Content Australia (2015)Creative Content Australia (2015). Australian Piracy Behaviours. 2015 Wave 7 Adults.
Cronan and Al-Rafee (2008)Cronan, T. P., & Al-Rafee, S. (2008). Factors that influence the intention to pirate software and media. Journal of Business Ethics, 78(4), 527-545.
Cuntz and Bergquist (2020)
Danahar, Smith and Teland (2015)Danaher, B., Smith, M., Teland, R.,'Copyright Enforcement in the Digital Age: Empirical Evidence and Conclusions', WIPO/ACE/10/20, 2015
Danaher and Smith (2013)Danaher, B., & Smith, M. D. (2014). Gone in 60 seconds: the impact of the Megaupload shutdown on movie sales. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 33, 1-8.
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