Waelde, C.

From Copyright EVIDENCE
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Waelde, C. is an author defined within the Copyright Evidence wiki.

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This author has contributed to the following studies (3):

Waelde and MacQueen (2004)Waelde C. and MacQueen H., From entertainment to education: the scope of copyright? (2004) Intellectual Property Quarterly
Waelde and Schlesinger (2011)Waelde, C., & Schlesinger, P. (2011). Music and dance: beyond copyright text?.
Waelde, Kheria and Levin (2015)Waelde, C., Kheria, S., & Levin, N. (2015). Copyright and Publicly-Funded Arts and Humanities Research: Identifying and Developing Sustainable Exploitation Models in the Digital Economy. This paper was prepared as a report for the Arts and Humanities Research Council, UK (2015).