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This field includes papers that examine policy issues related to the types of works that are eligible for copyright protection and the extent of the protection offered by exclusive rights and moral rights. Among others, the papers included under this category focus on the originality threshold, derivative works, hyperlinking, news aggregation, retransmission and resale.
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Latest revision as of 11:02, 14 November 2016

This field includes papers that examine policy issues related to the types of works that are eligible for copyright protection and the extent of the protection offered by exclusive rights and moral rights. Among others, the papers included under this category focus on the originality threshold, derivative works, hyperlinking, news aggregation, retransmission and resale.

Evidence Based Policy Areas

A. Nature and Scope of exclusive rights (hyperlinking/browsing; reproduction right) is an evidence based policy area defined within the Copyright Evidence wiki.

The following studies are related to this issue (215):

Aguilar (2017)Aguilar, A. (2017) Distributed Ownership in Music: Between Authorship and Performance. Social & Legal Studies, 27(6), pp776-798
Akerlof, Hahn and Litan (2002)Akerlof, G. A., Arrow, K. J., Bresnahan, T., Buchanan, J. M., Coase, R., Cohen, L. R. & Hemphill, C. S. (2002). The copyright term extension act of 1998: An economic analysis. Washington DC: AEI-Brookings Joint Center for Regulatory Studies.
Antelman (2004)Antelman, K. (2004) Do Open Access Articles Have a Greater Research Impact? College & Research Libraries News, vol. 65, n. 5, pp. 372-382.
Arai and Kinukawa (2014)Arai, Y. and Kinukawa, S., 2014. Copyright infringement as user innovation. Journal of Cultural Economics, 38(2), pp.131-144.
Arendt, Peacemaker and Miller (2018)Arendt, J., Peacemaker, B. And Miller, H. (2018) Same Question, Different World: Replicating an Open Access Research Impact Study. College and Research Libraries (Preprint)
Athey, Mobius and Pal (2017)Athey, S., Mobius, M. M., & Pál, J. (2017). The Impact of Aggregators on Internet News Consumption.
Aufderheide and Jaszi (2004)Aufderheide, P., & Jaszi, P. (2004). Untold stories: Creative consequences of the rights clearance culture for documentary filmmakers.
Australian Law Reform Commission (2013)ALRC Report 122 (2013), available at http://www.alrc.gov.au/sites/default/files/pdfs/publications/final_report_alrc_122_2nd_december_2013_.pdf.
Bai and Waldfogel (2012)Bai, J., & Waldfogel, J. (2012). Movie piracy and sales displacement in two samples of Chinese consumers. Information Economics and Policy, 24(3), 187-196.
Baker and Cunningham (2006)Baker, M., & Cunningham, B. (2006). Court decisions and equity markets: Estimating the value of copyright protection. Journal of Law and Economics 49(2), 567-596.
Balducci (2009)Balducci, F. (2009). Music or hi-tech lovers? Inferring into the determinants of music consumption. Rivista italiana degli economisti, 14(2), 361-0.
Balganesh, Manta and Wilkinson-Ryan (2014)Balganesh, S., Manta, I., & Wilkinson-Ryan, T. (2014). Judging similarity. 100 Iowa Law Review 267; University of Pennsylvania Law School, Public Law Research Paper No. 14-15; Hofstra Univ. Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2014-09. Available at SSRN 2409811.
Band and Gerafi (2013)Band, J. & Gerafi, J. (2013). Foreign ownership of firms in IP intensive industries. Policy Bandwidth. Available at SSRN 2333839.
Barker (2012c)Barker, G. R. (2012). Evidence of the effect of free music downloads on the purchase of music CDs in Canada. Review of Economic Research on Copyright Issues, 9(2), 55-78.
Barker and Maloney (2012)Barker, G. R., & Maloney, T. J. (2012). The impact of free music downloads on the purchase of music CDs in Canada. ANU College of Law Research Paper, (4).
Bechtold, Buccafusco and Sprigman (2016)Bechtold, S., Buccafusco, C. And Sprigman, J.C. (2016) Innovation Heuristics: Experiments on Sequential Creativity in Intellectual Property. Indiana Law Journal, 2016, Forthcoming.
Beebe (2008)Beebe, B. (2008). An empirical study of US copyright fair use opinions, 1978-2005. University of Pennsylvania Law Review, 549-624.
Benkler (1999)Benkler, Y. (1999). Free as the air to common use: First amendment constraints on enclosure of the public domain. NyuL Rev., 74, 354.
Bently et al. (2017)Bently, L., Kretschmer, M., Dudenbostel, T., Moreno, M. and Radauer, A. (2017) Strengthening the Position of Press Publishers and Authors and Performers in the Copyright Directive. Project Report. European Parliament, Brussels.
Bezmen and Depken (2006)Bezmen, T. L., & Depken, C. A. (2006). Influences on software piracy: Evidence from the various United States. Economic Letters, 90(3), 356-361.
Biasi and Moser (2018)Biasi, B. and Moser, P. (2018) Effects of Copyrights on Science. American Economic Journal: Microeconomics
Boldrin and Levine (2005)Boldrin, M., & Levine, D. K. (2005). Intellectual property and the efficient allocation of social surplus from creation. Review of Economic Research on Copyright Issues, 2(1), 45-67.
Boorstin (2004)Boorstin, E. S. Music Sales in the Age of File Sharing (Doctoral dissertation, Princeton University).
Borghi, Maggiolino, Montagnani and Nuccio (2012)Borghi, M., Maggiolino, M., Montagnani, M.L. & Nuccio, M. (2012). Determinants in the online distribution of digital content: An exploratory analysis. European Journal for Law and Technology, 3(2), 1-29.
Branstetter, Fisman and Foley (2006)Branstetter, L.G., Fisman, R., & Foley, C. F. (2006). Do stronger intellectual property rights increase international technology transfer? Empirical evidence from U.S. firm-level panel data. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 121(1), 321-349.
Brauneis and Oliar (2016)Brauneis, R. and Olliar, D. (2016) Copyright’s Race, Gender and Age: A First Quantitative Look at Registrations. GWU Law School Public Law Research paper No. 2016-48
Breyer (1970)Breyer, S., 1970. The uneasy case for copyright: A study of copyright in books, photocopies, and computer programs. Harvard Law Review, pp.281-351.
Buccafusco, Burns, Fromer and Sprigman (2014)Buccafusco, C. J., Burns, Z. C., Fromer, J. C., & Sprigman, C. J. (2014). Experimental Tests of Intellectual Property Laws’ Creativity Thresholds. Texas Law Review, 93, 1921.
Calzada and Gil (2016)Calzada, J., & Gil, R. (2016). What Do News Aggregators Do? Evidence from Google News in Spain and Germany.
Canat, Guibault and Logeais (2015)Canat, J., Guibault, L. and Logeais, E., Study on Copyright Limitations and Exceptions for Museums, World Intellectual Property Organization (2015) SCCR/30/2.
Centre for Intellectual Property and Information Law (2006)Centre for intellectual property and information law. (2006). Review of the Economic Evidence Relating to an Extension of the Term of Copyright in Sound Recordings. University of Cambridge
Centre for Intellectual Property and Information Law (2016)Centre for Intellectual Property and Information Law (2016), Response to Article 11 of the Proposal for a Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market, entitled ‘Protection of press publications concerning digital uses’ on behalf of thirty seven professors and leading scholars of Intellectual Property, Information Law and Digital Economy
Charles River Associates (2013)Assessing the Economic Impacts of Adapting Certain Limitations and Exceptions to Copyright and Related Rights in the EU, Charles River Assoc., (2013), available at
Cheliotis (2007)Cheliotis, G. (2007). Remix culture: an empirical analysis of creative reuse and the licensing of digital media in online communities.
Chen and Puttitanun (2005)Chen, Y., & Puttitanun, T. (2005). Intellectual Property Rights and Innovation in Developing Countries. Journal of Development Economics, 78(2), 474-493.
Chen, Shang and Lin (2008)Chen, Y. C., Shang, R. A., & Lin, A. K. (2008). The intention to download music files in a P2P environment: Consumption value, fashion, and ethical decision perspectives. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 7(4), 411-422.
Cohen, Nelson and Walsh (2000)Cohen, W. M., Nelson, R. R., & Walsh, J.P. (2000). Protecting their intellectual assets: Appropriability conditions and why U.S. manufacturing firms patent(or not). National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper No.7552.
Commission of the European Communities (2005a)DG Internal Market and Services Working Paper, Commission of the European Communities (2005)
Commission of the European Communities (2005b)Study on a Community Initiative on the Cross-border Collective Management of Copyright, Commission of the European Communities (2005), available at http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/copyright/docs/management/study-collectivemgmt_en.pdf.
Condry (2004)Condry, I. (2004). Cultures of music piracy An ethnographic comparison of the US and Japan. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 7(3), 343-363.
Cuntz (2020)Cuntz, A. (2020) Grand rights and opera reuse today. WIPO Economic Research Working Paper No.62
Danbury (2016)Danbury, R. (2016). Is an EU publishers’ right a good idea? Final report on the AHRC project: Evaluating potential legal responses to threats to the production of news in a digital era, https://www.cipil.law.cam.ac.uk/sites/www.law.cam.ac.uk/files/images/www.cipil.law.cam.ac.uk/documents/copyright_and_news/danbury_publishers_right_report.pdf
Danna, Martinelli and Nuvolari (2021)Danna, R.; Martinelli, A. and Nuvolari, A. (2021) D4.6. Interim report on negative space of EU creative industries <https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5069616> (Zenodo 5 July 2021) last accessed 7 December 2021
David (1993)David, P. A. 1993. “Intellectual Property Institutions and the Panda’ s Thumb: Patents , Copyrights and Trade Secrets in Economic Theory and History”, in M. Wallerstein, M. Mogee and R. Schoen (eds .), Global Dimensions of Intellectual Property Rights in Science and Technology . Washington DC: National Academy Press; 19-61.
De Souza-Leão et al. (2019)de Souza-Leão, A.L.M., Moura, B.M., de Santana, I.R.C., Nunes, W.K.S. and Henrique, V.M.R. (2019) Fans Make Art: Authoring and Creativity in the Production of Fanvideos. Studies on Emerging Countries, 4(24) pp 22-36
De Wolf and Partners (2013)Triaille, J.P., Dusollier, S., Depreeuw, S., Hubin, J.B. and De Francquen, A., 2013. Study on the application of Directive 2001/29/EC on copyright and related rights in the information society. InfoSoc Directive.
De Wolf and Partners (2014a)De Wolf & Partners, Study on the Legal Framework of Text and Data Mining (TDM) (2014).
De Wolf and Partners (2014b)Study on the Making Available Right and its Relationship with the Reproduction Right in Cross-border Digital Transmissions, De Wolf & Partners (2014).
Doseva, Schmid-Petri, Schillmöller, Heckmann (2022)Doseva, S. & Schmid-Petri, H. & Schillmöller, J. & Heckmann, D. (2022). Uploaders' perceptions of the German implementation of the EU copyright reform and their preferences for copyright regulation. Internet Policy Review, 11(4).
Dusollier (2010)Dusollier, S., WIPO (2010) CDIP/4/3/REV./STUDY/INF/1.
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