Experimental (Laboratory)

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Methodology (Collection)
Methodology (Analysis)

Experimental (Laboratory) is a quantitative method defined within the Copyright Evidence wiki. The following studies use this method for data collection (20):

Bechtold, Buccafusco and Sprigman (2016)Bechtold, S., Buccafusco, C. And Sprigman, J.C. (2016) Innovation Heuristics: Experiments on Sequential Creativity in Intellectual Property. Indiana Law Journal, 2016, Forthcoming.
Benson (2018)Benson, S.R. (2018) ncreasing Librarian Confidence and Comprehension in a Fair Use Training Session. Libraries and the Academy, Vol 18(4), pp 781-804 (preprint)
Buccafusco and Sprigman (2010)Buccafusco, C. J., & Sprigman, C. J. (2010). Valuing Intellectual Property: An Experiment. Cornell Law Review.
Buccafusco, Burns, Fromer and Sprigman (2014)Buccafusco, C. J., Burns, Z. C., Fromer, J. C., & Sprigman, C. J. (2014). Experimental Tests of Intellectual Property Laws’ Creativity Thresholds. Texas Law Review, 93, 1921.
Charness and Daniela (2014)Charness, G., & Grieco, D. (2014). Creativity and Financial Incentives.
Durham, Hirshleifer, Smith (1998)Durham, Yvonne, Jack Hirshleifer, and Vernon L. Smith. Do the rich get richer and the poor poorer? Experimental tests of a model of power. The American Economic Review 88.4 (1998): 970-983.
Engel and Kurschilgen (2010)Engel, C., & Kurschilgen, M. J. (2011). Fairness Ex Ante and Ex Post: Experimentally Testing Ex Post Judicial Intervention into Blockbuster Deals. Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, 8(4), pp682-708
Fiala and Husovec (2018)Fiala, L. and Husovec, M. (2018) Using Experimental Evidence to Design Optimal Notice and Takedown Process (July 23, 2018). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3218286
Fleming, Parravano and Zizzo (2016)Fleming, P., Parravano, M., & Zizzo, D. J. (2016). To Pay or Not to Pay? Determinants of Unlawful Product Acquisition. CREATe Working Paper No 1 (January 2016).
Grolleau, Mzoughi and Sutan (2008)Grolleau, G., Mzoughi, N., & Sutan, A. (2008). Please do not pirate it, you will rob the poor! An experimental investigation on the effect of charitable donations on piracy. The Journal of Socio-Economics, 37(6), 2417-2426.
Hansen and Walden (2012)Hansen, J. M., & Walden, E. (2013). The Role of Restrictiveness of Use in Determining Ethical and Legal Awareness of Unauthorized File Sharing. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 14(9), 521-549.
Hashim, Kannan, Maximiano and Rees (2012)Hashim, M., Kannan, K., Maximiano, S., & Rees, J. (2012). Digital piracy, teens, and the source of advice: An experimental study. Journal of Mananagement Information Studies, 31(2), 211-244.
Lai and Kuo (2007)Lai, M., & Kuo, C. C. (2007). Preventing piracy use intention by rectifying self-positivity bias. Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal, 35(7), 961-974.
Levin, Dato-On and Manolis (2007)Levin, A. M., Dato‐on, M. C., & Manolis, C. (2007). Deterring illegal downloading: The effects of threat appeals, past behavior, subjective norms, and attributions of harm. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 6(2‐3), 111-122.
Liebowitz (2005)Liebowitz, S. J. (2005). Testing file-sharing's impact by examining record sales in cities. School of Management University of Texas Paper, September, 1-31.
Liebowitz and Margolis (2005)Liebowitz, S. J., & Margolis, S. E. (2005). Seventeen famous economists weigh in on copyright: The role of theory, empirics, and network effects. Harvard Journal of Law and Technology, 18(2).
Maffioletti and Ramello (2004)Maffioletti, A. Ramello, G. B. 2004. Should We Put Them in Jail? Copyright Infringement, Penalties and Consumer Behaviour: Insights from Experimental Data. Review of Economic Research on Copyright Issues, 1, 81-95.
Mandel, Olson and Fast (2019)Mandel, G.N., Olson, K. & Fast, A. (2019) Debunking Intellectual Property Myths: Cross-Cultural Experiments on Perceptions of Property. Temple University Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2019-19
Sprigman, Buccafusco and Burns (2013)Buccafusco, C. J., Sprigman, C. J., & Burns, Z. C. (2012). What's a Name Worth?: Experimental Tests of the Value of Attribution in Intellectual Property. Boston University Law Review, 93, 1.
Yuan et al. (2020)Yuan, Y., Oishi, S., Cronin, C., Müllensiefen, D., Atkinson, Q., Fujii, S., & Savage, P. E. (2020) Perceptual vs. automated judgments of music copyright infringement. PsyAriXiv preprints. Available: https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/tq7v5