Survey Research (qualitative; e.g. consumer preferences)

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Methodology (Collection)
Methodology (Analysis)

Survey Research (qualitative; e.g. consumer preferences) is a qualitative method defined within the Copyright Evidence wiki. The following studies use this method for data collection (183):

Acilar (2010)Acılar, A. (2010). Demographic Factors Affecting Freshman Students' Attitudes towards Software Piracy: An Empirical Study. Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, 7, 321-328.
Acilar and Aydemir (2010)Acilar, A., & Aydemir, M. (2010). Students' Attitudes Towards Software Piracy-The Gender Factor: A Case of a Public University in an Emerging Country. In The Eleventh ETHICOMP International Conference on the Social and Ethical Impacts of Information and Communication Technology.
Akbulut and Donmez (2018)Akbulut, Y. and Donmez, O. (2018) Predictors of digital piracy among Turkish undergraduate students. Telematics and Informatics, Volume 35, Issue 5, pp1324-1334
Akester (2009)Akester, P. (2009). Technological accommodation of conflicts between freedom of expression and DRM: the first empirical assessment. Available at SSRN 1469412.
Al-Rafee and Cronan (2006)Al-Rafee, S., & Cronan, T. P. (2006). Digital Piracy: Factors That Influence Attitude Toward Behavior. Journal of Business Ethics, 63(3), 237-259.
Al-Rafee and Dashti (2012)Al-Rafee, S., & Dashti, A. E. (2012). A Cross Cultural Comparison of the Extended TPB: The Case of Digital Piracy. Journal of Global Information Technology Management, 15(1), 5-24.
Aleassa, Pearson and McClurg (2011)Aleassa, H., Pearson, J. M., & McClurg, S. (2011). Investigating software piracy in Jordan: An extension of the theory of reasoned action. Journal of Business Ethics, 98(4), 663-676.
Arnold, Darmon, Dejean and Penard (2014)Arnold M. A., Darmon E., Dejean S. and Penard T., Graduated Response Policy and the Behaviour of Digital Pirates: Evidence from the French Three-Strike (Hadopi) Law (2014)
Asser Institute and IViR (2014)T.M.C. Asser Instituut/Asser International Sports Law Centre and the Institute for Information Law - University of Amsterdam (2014) Study on Sports Organisers' Rights in the European Union, EAC/18/2012
Astle and Muir (2002)Astle, P.J. and Muir, A., 2002. Digitization and preservation in public libraries and archives. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 34(2), pp.67-79.
Attorney-General's Department (2008)Attorney-General's Department (Australia), 2008, Review of copyright exceptions for private copying of photographs and films - final report, Attorney-General's Department (Australia)
Aufderheide et al. (2018)Aufderheide, P., Pappalardo, K., Suzor, N. And Stevens, J. (2018) Calculating the consequences of narrow Australian copyright exceptions: Measurable, hidden and incalculable costs to creators. Poetics, 69, pp15-26.
Aufderheide, Milosevic and Bello (2015)Aufderheide, P., Milosevic, T., & Bello, B. (March 11, 2015). The Impact of Copyright Permissions Culture on the U.S. Visual Arts Community: The Consequences of Fear of Fair Use. New Media & Society.
Aufderheide, Sinnreich, Imperiale, and Silvernail (2016)Aufderheide, P., Sinnreich, A., Imperiale, L., Silvernail, C. (2016). Norms-Shifting on Copyright and Fair Use in The Visual Arts Community. Visual Arts Review (Winter 2018).
Australian Law Reform Commission (2013)ALRC Report 122 (2013), available at
BOP Consulting and DotEcon (2015)BOP Consulting, DotEcon (2015). International Comparison of Approaches to Online Copyright Infringement: Final Report, commissioned by the Intellectual Property Office.
Bai and Waldfogel (2012)Bai, J., & Waldfogel, J. (2012). Movie piracy and sales displacement in two samples of Chinese consumers. Information Economics and Policy, 24(3), 187-196.
Balducci (2009)Balducci, F. (2009). Music or hi-tech lovers? Inferring into the determinants of music consumption. Rivista italiana degli economisti, 14(2), 361-0.
Balganesh, Manta and Wilkinson-Ryan (2014)Balganesh, S., Manta, I., & Wilkinson-Ryan, T. (2014). Judging similarity. 100 Iowa Law Review 267; University of Pennsylvania Law School, Public Law Research Paper No. 14-15; Hofstra Univ. Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2014-09. Available at SSRN 2409811.
Barker and Maloney (2012)Barker, G. R., & Maloney, T. J. (2012). The impact of free music downloads on the purchase of music CDs in Canada. ANU College of Law Research Paper, (4).
Bellemare and Holmberg (2010)Bellemare, M. F., & Holmberg, A. M. (2010). The determinants of music piracy in a sample of college students. Available at SSRN 1481272.
Boorstin (2004)Boorstin, E. S. Music Sales in the Age of File Sharing (Doctoral dissertation, Princeton University).
Brassell and Goodyer (2015)Brassell, M. & Goodyer, I. (2015) Penalty Fair? Study of criminal sanctions for copyright infringement available under the CDPA 1988. IPO, 2015
Bryce and Rutter (2005)Bryce, J., & Rutter, J. (2005). Fake Nation? A study into an everyday crime. The Intellectual Property Theft and Organised Crime research project, UK.
Canat, Guibault and Logeais (2015)Canat, J., Guibault, L. and Logeais, E., Study on Copyright Limitations and Exceptions for Museums, World Intellectual Property Organization (2015) SCCR/30/2.
Cantatore (2014)Cantatore, F. (2014). From vault to honesty box: Australian authors and the changing face of copyright. Bond Law Review, 25(1), 5.
Center for Social Media (2010)Center for Social Media. (2010). Clipping Our Own Wings: Copyright and Creativity in Communication Research. American University.
Chen and Yen (2011)Chen, M. F. and Yen, Y. H. 2011. Costs and Utilities Perspective of Consumers' Intentions to Engage in Online Music Sharing: Consumers' Knowledge Matters. Ethics & Behavior, 21(4), 283-300.
Chen, Pan and Pan (2009)Chen, M. F., Pan, C. T., & Pan, M. C. (2009). The joint moderating impact of moral intensity and moral judgment on consumer’s use intention of pirated software. Journal of Business Ethics, 90(3), 361-373.
Chiang and Assane (2007)Chiang, E. P., & Assane, D. (2007). Determinants of Music Copyright Violations on the University Campus. Journal of Cultural Economics, 31(3), 187-204.
Chiou, Huang and Lee (2005)Chiou, J. S., Huang, C. Y., & Lee, H. H. (2005). The antecedents of music piracy attitudes and intentions. Journal of Business Ethics, 57(2), 161-174.
Cockrill and Goode (2012)Cockrill, A., & Goode, M. M. (2012). DVD Pirating Intentions: Angels, Devils, Chancers and Receivers. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 11(1), 1-10.
Commission of the European Communities (2005a)DG Internal Market and Services Working Paper, Commission of the European Communities (2005)
Condry (2004)Condry, I. (2004). Cultures of music piracy An ethnographic comparison of the US and Japan. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 7(3), 343-363.
Coyle, Gould, Gupta and Gupta (2009)Coyle, J. R., Gould, S. J., Gupta, P., & Gupta, R. (2009). “To buy or to pirate”: The matrix of music consumers' acquisition-mode decision-making. Journal of Business Research, 62(10), 1031-1037.
Creative Content Australia (2015)Creative Content Australia (2015). Australian Piracy Behaviours. 2015 Wave 7 Adults.
Cronan and Al-Rafee (2008)Cronan, T. P., & Al-Rafee, S. (2008). Factors that influence the intention to pirate software and media. Journal of Business Ethics, 78(4), 527-545.
Denoyelle et al (2018)Denoyelle, M., Durand, K., Daniel, J. and Doulkaridou-Ramantani, E. (2018) Image rights, art history and society. Report presented to the Foundation de France <> (accessed 7 January 2022)
Depoorter, Van Hiel and Vanneste (2011)Depoorter, B., Vanneste, S., & Van Hiel, A. (2011). Copyright Backlash. Southern California Law Review, 84.
DiCola and Touve (2014)DiCola, P. C., & Touve, D. (2014). Licensing in the Shadow of Copyright.
Djekic and Loebbecke (2005)DJEKIC, P. and LOEBBECKE, C. 2005. Software piracy prevention through digital rights management systems. In: MULLER, G. and LIN, K. J. (eds.) CEC 2005: Seventh IEEE International Conference on E-Commerce Technology, Proceedings. Munich, Germany.
Dryden (2008)Dryden, J.E., 2008. Copyright in the real world: Making archival material available on the Internet (Doctoral dissertation, University of Toronto).
Eger, Scheufen and Meierrieks (2015)Eger, T., Scheuen, M., and Meierreks, D. (2015) The determinants of open access publishing: survey evidence from Germany. Eur J Law Econ, 39, p475-503
Erickson (2014)Erickson, K. (2014) User Illusion: Ideological Construction of ‘User- Generated Content’ in the EC Consultation on Copyright. Internet Policy Review 4(3). DOI:10.14763/2014.4.331
European Commission (2011a)Report on the Implementation and Effect of the Resale Right Directive (2001/84/EC), European Commission (2011), available at
European Commission (2013)European Commission (2013). Synthesis of the responses: Civil enforcement of intellectual property rights: Public consultation on efficiency of proceedings and accessibility measures
European Commission (2014)Guidelines on Recommended Standard Licences, Datasets and Charging for the Reuse of Documents, European Commission 2014/C 240/01, available at
European Commission (2016)European Commission (2016) Synopsis Report on the Public Consultation on the Regulatory Environment for Platforms, Online Intermediaries and the Collaborative Economy,
European Observatory on Counterfeiting and Piracy (2010)European Observatory on Counterfeiting and Piracy (2010). Damages in Intellectual Property Rights.
European Observatory on Infringement of IPRs (2015)European Observatory on Infringement of IPRs.
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